Adductor Muscles of the Hip Trapezius elevation and upward rotation of scapula; extends neck Levator Scapulae elevates the scapula, as in shrugging the shoulders Rhomboideus Major retraction of scapula; as in pulling the shoulder blades together Rhomboideus Minor retraction of scapula (superior to rho...
In the past decade, our laboratory has extensively studied the muscles of the body.Khalid AlmutairiMaolinTangSteven F. MorrisPlastic and reconstructive surgery
Explore the human body's muscle anatomy and learn the names of the major muscles and what they do. Identify muscles on the body and know their...
The anterior thigh muscles are the ones that are in the front of your body, including the pectineus, quadriceps, and sartorius. These muscles are mainly involved in flexing your legs, like when you stand up. Meanwhile, the medial thigh muscles are located between the anterior and posterior mus...
This course is accompanied by dedicated 3D anatomical views and animations created by Muscle and Motion, which provide you with an in-depth 3D anatomical view of the bones and muscles in action in each exercise, so with our comprehensive 3D animations, you will understand the anatomy of the kn...
When the arms are required to push forward against an object at shoulder level, their action is reminiscent of quadrupedal support. The change in shape of the chest to emphasize breadth rather than depth altered the relation of muscles in the shoulder region, with an increase in size of the ...
Students and participants in Anatomy Trains’ programs are responsible for monitoring their own health. While testing for diseases such as COVID-19 is not required, students and participants who feel ill or express symptoms of diseases should not attend in-person classes or meetings. Anatomy Trains...
A comprehensive survey of the movements performed by each joint relative to the body's anatomical planes and horizontal axis; it identifies the muscles involved and their actions on the joint in creating movements of different kinds (flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, circumduction, etc...
Here, we break down the anatomy of your chest muscles, plus how to target each to make them bigger and stronger.Pectoralis MajorOf the two chest muscles, the pectoralis major (a.k.a. the pec major) is the one that commands the most real estate. You have one of these large, fan-...
Location:The glute min is similar in shape to the glute med, and lies directly beneath it. How to target it:You can emphasize the glute min withside plank variations. Bit players: Deep rotators Lying beneath the much-admired gluteal muscles is an under-appreciated group of smaller ones call...