Text • Please skim the first part of the text and then answer the first 3 questions. 15 I. Text • 1. Where do the lungs get their blood supply? • Answer:The lung receives its blood supply from two vascular systems—the bronchial and pulmonary circulations. 16 I. Text • 2....
Radiography A chest x-ray may be used to diagnose and to plan the treatment and follow up for various conditions, including: Fractures of the bones of the chest, including ribs, sternum, vertebrae, clavicle and scapula Lung disorders such as pneumonia, emphysema, pleural effusion, tuberculosis a...
Anatomy-Cardiovascular System Objectives Students will be able to: Define terms relative to the cardiovascular system. Describe the basic characteristics & functions of the cardiovascular system. Anatomy-Cardiovascular System Terminology Heart Vascular Vessels that circulate blood Oxygenated High oxygen level D...
小儿呼吸系统解剖生理特点上呼吸道感染【精选-PPT】 热度: 符合真实解剖结构的人体全呼吸道模型构建方法及系统 热度: CH22LowerRespiratoryAnatomy JamesF.Thompson,Ph.D. The Lungs •Apex,base •Leftlunghascardiacnotch •Rlungthicker,broader,shorterthanL ...
医学英语综合教程Unit 1 Anatomy MedicalEnglish —AnIntegratedCourse Unit1 Anatomy Unit1Anatomy 12345 Brain-storming WordsandText TranslationinMedicalLiterature(timepermitted)OralPresentation Assignment:After-classListening,ReadingandWriting Brainstorming •1.Whatisanatomy?•Anatomyisthestudyofthestructureofanimals...
ascends for about 5cm before becoming the aortic arch at the sternal angle, which continues superiorly, curving slightly to the left and posteriorly over the hilum of the left lung before descending again in the posterior mediastinum where, at the level of T4, it continues as the thoracic ...
of Human Heart, Parts of human heart, Human heart function, Anatomy of human heart, Diseases of the Human Heart, Human Heart Interesting Facts, Human Lungs: Introduction of Human Lungs, How Your Lungs Work, Human Lung Diseases, Lung FactsAbdomen and pelvisHuman Bladder: Introduction of Human ...
does not smoke. Sometimes, a tumor on the lung can be removed, and sometimes a large part of the lung must be removed. If the tumor grows until the person’s airway is blocked, they cannot survive. Cancer, of course, can spread to other parts of the body and cause many other ...
RespiratoryAnatomyand Physiology (Riddell,2000) THORACICCAVITY 3sections Mediastinum 2LungChambers *becauseeachlungisinaseparate chambertheunaffectedlungwill remainexpanded Rightlunghas___lobes Leftlunghas___lobes Lowerlobesorbasesarepositioned ___. (Riddell,2000) Surfactant Functionsof surfactant I.Keeps...