Inferior vena cavaLumbar veinsVenous valvesOstial valvesMajor tributaries such as the renal and adrenal veins have been studied extensively; however, tributaries of the infra-renal segment of the inferior vena cava (IVC) have not been given much attention. Accurate knowledge of the anatomy of these...
Other articles where inferior vena cava is discussed: vena cava: Inferior vena cava.: The inferior vena cava is formed by the coming together of the two major veins from the legs, the common iliac veins, at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra, just
Anatomy and function of the inferior vena cava. Inferior vena cava Vena cava inferior 1/2 Synonyms: IVC The inferior vena cava (IVC) is the largest vein of the human body. It is located at the posterior abdominal wall on the right side of the aorta. The IVC’s function is to carry...
Inferior vena cava filter misplacement Dear editor, Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are major preventable factors that lead to hospitalization and death worldwide, threatening the health of nearly 10 million people.1 Implantation of an inferior vena cava filter (IVCF) can re...
inferior vena cava superior vena cava (Show more) See all related content vena cava, in air-breathing vertebrates, including humans, either of two major trunks, the anterior and posterior venae cavae, that deliver oxygen-depleted blood to the right side of the heart. The anterior vena cava,...
Structures Drained The inferior vena cava is the largest vein in the body. Overall, the inferior vena cava and its tributaries provide venous drainage to the structures of the lower limbs, pelvis, perineum, and abdomen.
the inferior vena cava 下腔静脉 the anterior interventricular artery 前室间支 the anterior interventricular sulcus 前室间沟 the left anterior descending artery 左前降支 the myocardial infarctions 心肌梗死 anterior wall of interventricular 心室前壁 ...
In this patient a left-sided inferior vena cava and azygous vein extension both drained directly into the superior vena cava, whereas the hepatic vein emptied directly into the right atrium. In our discussion we describe the importance of recognizing and mapping the anatomy, technical considerations...
Objective: To observe the features of myocardial sleeves of superior and inferior vena cave in pig hearts,and provide anatomic data for the therapy of focal atrial fibrillation.Methods: 35 pig,hearts were dissected to show the myocardial sleeves vena cave,and then its shape,thickness and length ...
The heart, although a single organ, can be considered as two pumps that propel blood through two different circuits. The right atrium receives venous blood from the head, chest, and arms via the superior vena cava, and from the abdomen, pelvic region, and legs via the inferior vena cava....