Teyler, T.J., and Discenna, P., 1984, The topological anatomy of the hippocampus: a clue to its function, Brain Res. Bull. , 12:711.Teyler TJ, Discenna P. The topological anatomy of the hippocampus: a clue to its function. Brain Res. Bull. 1984; 12: 711-719....
Burwell RD, Agster KL (2008) Anatomy of the hippocampus and the declarative memory system. In: Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference. (ed. John HB), pp. 47-66. Oxford: Academic Press.Burwell RD, Agster KL (2009). Anatomy of the Hippocampus and the Declarative Memory System, ...
(redirected fromHippocampus (anatomy)) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia hip·po·cam·pus (hĭp′ə-kăm′pəs) n.pl.hip·po·cam·pi(-pī′) 1.A ridge in the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain that consists mainly of gray matter and has a central role in memory processes...
hippocampus (hĭp′ə-kăm′pəs) n. pl. hippocam·pi (-pī′) 1. A ridge in the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain that consists mainly of gray matter and has a central role in memory processes. 2. Variant of hippocamp. hip′po·cam′pal (-pəl) adj. The ...
neuron numbers may be an important component of homing behaviour in homing pigeons. Our data also provide the first evidence that neuronal density can be modified by artificial selection, which has significant implications for the study of domestication and interbreed variation in anatomy and behaviour...
hippocampus [‚hip·ə′kam·pəs] (anatomy) A ridge that extends over the floor of the descending horn of each lateral ventricle of the brain. [‚hip·ə′kam·pəs] (vertebrate zoology) A genus of marine fishes in the order Gasterosteiformes which contains the sea horses. ...
The human hippocampus receives distinct signals via the lateral entorhinal cortex, typically associated with object features, and the medial entorhinal cortex, associated with spatial or contextual information. The existence of these distinct types of information calls for some means by which they can be...
Cold exposure for as brief as 30 min (5°C) on Postnatal Day 1 resulted in a significant decrease in the volume of the hippocampus and in brain weight of adults. Performance on the water maze was also impaired in cold-exposed animals. This study indicates that not only morphology but ...
Hipp: hippocampus OFC: orbitofrontal cortex PC: piriform cortex Thal: thalamus Image:“Schematic view of the human olfactory system” by Saive, Royet, and Plailly (adapted from Royet et al.). License: CC BY 3.0 Related videos 5:46 Olfactory Mucosa and Olfactory Receptor Clinical Relev...
SIMON SHORVON.The Human Hippocampus. Functional Anatomy, Vascularization and Serial Sections with MRI. By HENRI M. DUVERNOY. (Pp. viii+213; 255 figures; f95.50/$159 hardback; ISBN 3 540 63205 0.) Berlin: Springer. 1998. Journal of Anatomy . 2000...