Clinical anatomy of the pelvis and hip. Reumatologia clinica. 2012;8:33-8.Navarro-Zarza JE, Villasenor-Ovies P, Vargas A, Canoso JJ, Chiapas-Garcia K, Hernandez-Diaz C, Saavedra MA, Kalish RA. Clinical anatomy of the pelvis and hip. Reumatol Clin. 2012;8(S2):33-38....
An overview of the bones of the pelvis, pelvic cavity, pelvic floor muscles, vessels and innervation with labeled diagrams of the male vs female pelvis ➤
Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
Two bones meet at the hip joint, the femur and the pelvis. The femur, commonly called the "thighbone," is the longest and heaviest bone of the body. At the top of the femur, positioned on the femoral neck, is the femoral...
innominate bonehipbone ischium- malleushammer mandiblelower jawbone maxillaupper jawbone metacarpal- metatarsal- metatarsus- occipital bone- parietal bone- patellakneecap pelvis- phalanx- pubis- radius- rib- sacrum- scapulashoulder blade skull-
Learn about hip muscle anatomy, understand the hip girdle muscles, or the muscles of the hip and thigh. Discover the hip muscle attachments and...
The hip joint (see the image below) is a ball-and-socket synovial joint: the ball is the femoral head, and the socket is the acetabulum. The hip joint is the articulation of the pelvis with the femur, which connects the axial skeleton with the lower extr
Evolutionary scientists believe this stems from man’s hunter roots, as a leaner pelvis made running easier. The bones of the pelvis are the hip bones, sacrum, and coccyx. Each hip bone contains three bones — the ilium, ischium, and pubis — that fuse together as we grow older. ...
Male genital system: main structures visible in MRI (prostate, seminal vesicles, root of the penis). Pelvic cavity: the different zones and cavities of the pelvis and groin were labeled (inguinal, pararectal and paravesical fossa, the ischio-anal fossa and pudendal canal). Arteries: the arran...
The sail-shaped adductors originate on the underside of the pelvis, and then attach to a line running along your inner thigh. Pectineus.The uppermost — and shortest — of the adductors, this one attaches high on your inner thigh, near the hip joint. ...