Insertion: Middle phalanges of toes 2-4 Innervation: Deep fibular/peroneal nerve (S1, S2) Function: Distal interphalangeal joints 2-4: Toe extension Extensor hallucis brevis Origin: Superolateral surface of calcaneus bone Insertion: Proximal phalanx of great toe Innervation: Deep fibular/peroneal ne...
The third case depicted the bifurcation of extensor hallucis brevis to give tendinous slips to great toe and 2nd toe, respectively. Conclusion: Knowledge of these variations in extensor tendons of foot is crucial for accurate interpretation of diagnostic imaging, surgical planning...
the space (synapse) to the next nerve ending, where the impulse again travels up that nerve fiber, and so on until the signal reaches the brain. These signals travel through our body at up to 250 miles per hour, so you feel stimulation on your toe within a tiny fraction of a second....
Keep reading to learn more about the main structures of your dog’s paw, and the function of the different parts. The Claws Image Credit: Velolosik, Shutterstock Each dog’s toe has a toenail (claw) associated with it. There are usually four nails on a dog’s rear paws that are attach...
The third layer of muscles consists ofthe flexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallucis, and flexor digiti minimi brevis. 第三层肌肉由拇短屈肌、拇内收肌和小趾短屈肌组成。 The flexor hallucis brevis inserts into the base of the proximal phalanx of the great toe via medial and lateral sesamoid bone...
Tibialis anterior: powerful dorsiflexor of the foot Extensor digitorum longus: extends the 4 lateral toes and the foot Extensor hallucis longus: extends the big toe (hallux) and the foot Peroneus tertius: everts and dorsiflexes the foot Common nerve supply: deep fibular nerve (ventral rami...
side of leg Frontal forehead Glutteal buttocks Hallux great toe (big toe) Inguinal groin Lumbar lower back Mammary breast Manus hand Mental chin Nasal nose Occipital back of head (eyes) Olecranal back of elbow Oral mouth Orbital bony eye socket ...
6. head and shoulders, by an impressively great amount: head and shoulders above the rest in talent. 7. head over heels, a. headlong, as in a somersault. b. intensely; completely: head over heels in love. c. impulsively; carelessly: They plunged head over heels into the fighting. ...
There are 14 phalanges in the toes (two in the great toe and three in each of the others). The foot bones form two perpendicular arches that normally meet the ground only at the heel and ball of the foot (see flat foot); these arches are found only in humans. The use of the ...
Insertions: Base of distal phalanx of great toeInnervation: Deep fibular nerve (L5, S1)Functions: Toe extension at the metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints; foot dorsiflexion at the talocrural joint Extensor digitorum longus Origins: (Proximal half of) Medial surface of fibula, Lateral ...