bone noun Related words technical nameos adjectiveosseous,osteal,osteoid Bones BoneNontechnical names astragalusanklebone calcaneusheel bone carpalwrist carpuswrist claviclecollarbone coccyx- costarib craniumbrainpan cuboid- ethmoid- femurthighbone fibula- ...
The calcaneus is the largest tarsal bone in the foot and is well designed to sustain high tensile, bending, and compressive forces. However, high instantaneous loads often result in fracture. Any treatment of calcaneal fractures requires a working knowledge of the anatomy. The major neurovascular ...
Insertion: Middle phalanges of toes 2-4 Innervation: Deep fibular/peroneal nerve (S1, S2) Function: Distal interphalangeal joints 2-4: Toe extension Extensor hallucis brevis Origin: Superolateral surface of calcaneus bone Insertion: Proximal phalanx of great toe Innervation: Deep fibular/peroneal ne...
Posterior aspect ofcalcaneusCalcaneusThe largest of the tarsal bones which is situated at the lower and back part of the foot, forming the heel.Foot: Anatomyvia calcaneal tendonTibial nerves (S1S1Heart Sounds,S2S2Heart Sounds) Plantar flexes ankle ...
Even more rarely, avascular necrosis of the calcaneus occurs in patients with long-term corticosteroid use or with other risk factors for bone infarcts.doi:10.1097/01.CDR.0000427468.44989.86Flores, RebeccaBui-Mansfield, Liem TOvid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)Contemporary Diagnostic Radiology...
Insertion: Posterior surface of calcaneus (via calcaneal tendon)Innervation: Tibial nerve (S1, S2)Functions: Foot plantar flexion at the talocrural joint and knee flexion at the knee joint Soleus Origins: Soleal line, Medial border of tibia, Head of fibula, Posterior border of fibulaInsertion: ...
This is where the ends of the shin bones, the tibia and fibula, meet the talus. Underneath this is the heel bone, aka the calcaneus. The Midfoot: The five bones of the midfoot are what make up our foot arches. They are arranged in a pyramid shape to be the shock absorbers of the...
Definition (NCI_NCI-GLOSS)The small bone at the bottom of the spine. It is made up of 3-5 fused bones. Definition (NCI_CDISC)A small bone located at the bottom of the spine. The coccyx is a result of 3-5 fused rudimentary vertebrae. (NCI) ...
You’ve seen that a bone called the talus is involved in the ankle joint. However, this is only one out of many foot bones. These include the 7 tarsals; calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, and cuneiform (three in total) bones, as well as the metatarsals, and phalanges. They are he...
Estimation of sex on the basis of radiographs of the calcaneus. Forensic Sci Int. 1996;77:133–40. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Hogler W, Blimkie CJ, Cowell CT, et al. A comparison of bone geometry and cortical density at the mid-femur between prepuberty and young adulthood ...