The prime function of the rectum is to act as a distensible reservoir for faeces, while the anal canal incorporates in its wall a powerful muscular sphincter which is of paramount importance in the mechanism of faecal continence. Diseases of the rectum and anal canal, both benign and ...
Rectum is a fixed terminal portion of the large intestine that serves as a reservoir. It is about 10–14 cm in length, and it is located between the sigmoid colon above and the anal canal below. It begdoi:10.1007/978-81-322-2589-8_1Ashfaq Hassan...
Structures of the rectum and anal canal seen on a coronal section, anterior view of the female pelvis. Rectum 1/2 Synonyms: Intestinum rectum, Intestinum terminale The rectum is the last part of the large intestine and connects the sigmoid colon to the anal canal. The rectum begins at...
Surgical Anatomy of the Rectum, Anal Canal, Perineum, and ColonThe two levator ani muscles form a funnel whose outlet begins at the level of the puborectal sling and there forms a sharp angle — about 90° — backward. The medial fibers of the levator ani form a......
The large intestines constitute the last portion of the digestive system. It consists of the cecum, appendix, colon, rectum, and anal canal.
British Journal of Surgery Volume 50, Issue 221, page 348, November 1962 Additional Information How to Cite (1962), Surgical anatomy of the colon, rectum and anal canal. By Harry E. Bacon, M.D., Sc. D., LL. D., F.A.C.S., F.R.S.M., F.P.C.S., F.I.C.S., F.A.C....
Rectum Region of nostrils Region of shoulder joint Region of tail Region of temporomandibular joint Region of the coxal joint Region of the root of the tail Regions of abdomen Regions of back Regions of face Regions of neck Regions of pelvic limb Regions of skull Regions of...
Anterior and Posterior Bony Pelvis Anatomy Pelvic Cavity The pelvic cavity is bound by the bones of the pelvic girdle and primarily contains reproductive organs, urinary organs, and the rectum . As the peritoneal cavity rests in the pelvic cavity, spaces from this region are also considered to ...
While the colon is intimately linked in functional terms to the control of continence, it has no relevance to the structural factors that govern the control of anal continence. However, the same is not true for the rectum and anus: both are vital to the structural basis by which the body ...
Fascia / aponeurosis: the anatomy of the fascia lata and iliotibial tract Bursae of the lower limb: the different bursae of the hip region (trochanteric, ischial and iliopectineal bursae) Digestive system: the main digestive structures (rectum, sigmoid colon, anal canal) visible on the pelvic ...