In profile, the eye takes on the shape of an arrowhead (with the sides variously concave or convex), with a little hint of the upper eyelid and possibly of the lower as well. In real life, you wouldn't see the iris from the side; you'd only see a white eye. When I did that ...
Protein in the aqueous is a common cause of a cloudy appearance. This finding is best appreciated by slit-lamp examination. The ophthalmologist observes the light traversing the aqueous, and any protein in the aqueous creates an effect known as aqueous flare; however, this effect is not apprecia...
The gastrocnemius muscle with its lateral and medial head, is a biarticular muscle and is inserted into the superior and posterior portion of the respective femoral condyles and partially also into the joint capsule (the lateral head may contain the fabella, an inconstant sesamoid) while the sol...
3 Age series of the ossification of the mouse pisiform. (a) Alcian blue/alizarin red-stained mouse forelimb showing the initial ossification of the pisiform at P4 (green arrowhead). (b) At P7 the primary center is largely ossified while an incipient secondary center can be seen as a ...
(Juvenile Period), the rotation is almost completed and the longitudinal body axis is almost parallel to the stalk axis. Stages 26–33: anterior at left, left view; Stages 34–37: oral siphon (anterior) indicated by arrowhead; left view. Scale bar 100 μm. (C) After definition of the ...
Fig. 4. (i-iii) Three transversal sections at different levels of the STN. The green cluster (orbitofrontal and ventromedial prefrontal injections) passes the STN medially and fades out in the mesencephalic ventral tegmentum (green arrowhead). Cluster analysis results overview. Four clusters are ...
The anterior horizontal ramus (small white arrowhead) and the anterior ascending ramus (small white arrow) of the sylvian fissure (S) extend into F3, dividing it into the pars orbitalis (or), pars triangularis (tr), and pars opercularis (op). They give F3 the shape of an upper case M...
soft-tissueattenuationandbilobedorarrowhead-shouldbeexercised.Scanswiththincollimation shaped,witheachofthetwolobes(rightandleft)arehelpfulindistinguishingnodesfromvolume contactingthemediastinalpleura.Eachlobeusu-averaging. allymeasures1to2cminthickness(measured perpendiculartothepleura),butthisvaries(Fig.MainPulmona...
CD34 immunoreactivity is observed also in endothelial cells of blood vessels (BV); a higher magnification of CD34-positive endothelial cells lining the vessel lumen (arrow) and CD34-positive interstitial cells bordering the abluminal side of the vessel basement membrane (arrowhead) is shown in the ...
3D reconstruction of the anterior end of an extendedH. psammobionta(ZSM Mol-19992020/2) showing details of the central nervous system (cns).Anterior to the right.A: Dorsal view of cns. Digestive system transparent, pedal nerves omitted.A’: The reconstructed specimen prior to sectioning, box...