Top anatomy diagrams including images of human anatomy systems, human body, organs, bones and muscles
The female reproductive system is an intricate arrangement of structures that can separate into external and internal genitalia. The external genitalia comprises the structures outside of the true pelvis, including the labia majora and minora, vestibule, Bartholin glands, Skene glands, clitoris, mons p...
Human reproductive system - Female Anatomy, Hormones, Reproduction: The female gonads, or sexual glands, are the ovaries; they are the source of ova (eggs) and of the female sex hormones estrogens and progestogens. The fallopian, or uterine, tubes conduc
National Library of Medicine was used as the basis to build an exemplary model of the female abdomen and pelvis. Segmentation software was developed to delineate organ outlines and more than 300 structures of interest, including organs, blood vessels, bones, muscles, and ligaments, have been ...
A publicly available article also appearing in PubMed about Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis: Female External Genitalia
Fig. 3.Dissection showing the cephalic aspect of the female genitalia and their relationships. Fig. 4.Transverse section of the abdomen above the crests of the ilia. This section is 1 inch above the pubis and extends through the disk between the sacrum and the last lumbar verte...
Structures of the female breast seen on a sagittal section and anterolateral view. The female breast in humans contain mammary glands that produce milk for nursing their young. The latin name for the breast is mamma, thus it is clear why we belong to the class of mammals together with many...
Figure 7 - Anatomy of the laboratory mouse: in vivo imaging atlas on a high-resolution X-ray computed tomography (micro-CT) Figure 8 - Mouse - 3D - Anatomy atlas: Skeleton, Bones, Osteology Figure 9 - Mouse - Whole body (CT): 3D, Gross anatomy ANATOMICAL PARTS Abdomen Abdominal ...
Nerves of Foot Nerves of foot Nerves of Head and Neck Nerves of Pelvis Nerves of the Abdomen Nerves of the Lower Limb Nerves of the Orbit Nerves of the Submandibular Region Nerves of Thorax Nerves of Upper Limb Norma Frontalis Norma Lateralis ...
Fallopian tube, either of a pair of long narrow ducts located in the human female abdominal cavity that transport male sperm cells to the egg, provide a suitable environment for fertilization, and transport the egg from the ovary to the uterus. Learn mor