The nervous system is built up of nerve cells, called neurons, which are supported and protected by other cells. Of the 200 billion or so neurons making up the human nervous system, approximately half are found in the brain. From the cell body of a typical neuron extend one or more outgr...
Move beyond the gross anatomy of the nervous system in six new microanatomy models: + Examine the cellular structures of a typical neuron and see how three different types of neuroglia (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglia) support neurons and nervous tissue. + Study white matter, grey ...
Analog to biologicaltaxonomy↑and nomenclature, one of anatomy’s central functions is to provide a terminology for inventorying different types of anatomical entities. Anatomical terminology serves as a basicreference↑system for all supra-molecular biological entities, thereby providing the descriptive fra...
Synapse, the site of transmission of electric nerve impulses between two nerve cells (neurons) or between a neuron and a gland or muscle cell (effector). A synaptic connection between a neuron and a muscle cell is called a neuromuscular junction. At a ch
1-5 Planes of the body 1-6 Directions. 1-7 Directions upon members 1-8 A "typical" animal cell 2-1 Epithelial cells. 2-2 Types of epithelial tissues 2-3 Types of muscle tissue 2-4 A neuron. 2-5 A synapse 3-1 The integument and related structures. 3-2 The integumentary ...
In a slide of Azure B stained cerebral cortex, identify the cell body of a typical neuron. Proceed to identify Nissl's bodies, the axon hillock and the centrally placed nucleus. Observe the axon and dendrites which are often only partly visible. Are there any satellite cells around the cell...
organization likely reflects the need for a wider repertory of skilled limb movements in comparison to simple, repetitive behaviors that are typical of lower vertebrates (ten Donkelaar1988) (Fig.1b). Fig. 1 Evolution of the RN circuitry. The scheme highlights the increasing complexity of rubral ...
They tend to have large cell bodies and lobulated nuclei. Their cellular morphology and pharmacology are quite variable. Most do not have a typical axon; instead they possess what resembles a field of dendrites that acts as both axons and dendrites, i.e., they can be both pre- and postsyna...
typical sensory neuron of somatosensory system Bipolar neuron Sensory -eye cell body in the middle and 2 processes unipolar neuron A neuron with one axon attached to its som spinal visceral sensory sensory input that is not consciously perceived from receptors of blood vessels and internal organs (...
neuron numbers may be an important component of homing behaviour in homing pigeons. Our data also provide the first evidence that neuronal density can be modified by artificial selection, which has significant implications for the study of domestication and interbreed variation in anatomy and behaviour...