y_blue,color='b',linewidth=2,label='Blue signal')ax.plot(x,y_red,color='r',linewidth=2,label='Red signal')np.random.seed(123)y_point=np.random.uniform(y_blue,y_red,len(x))ax.scatter(x,y_point,s=30,facecolor='white',edgecolor='black',linewidth=1)...
that part of anatomy which treats of the forms and relations of parts, but not of their textures. See also:Descriptive Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, ...
Anatomy of Seed Plants. Katherine Esau Anatomy of seed plants: A textbook for university students , Anatomy of seed plants: A textbook for university students Ammirato,Philip,V. - 《Quarterly Review of Biology》 被引量: 0发表: 1978年
Gabrielli, A CCastro, M D MGabrielli, A.C., Castro, M.M., 1995. Anatomia da semente madura de Pyrostegia venusta (Ker.) Miers - Bignoniaceae. Rev. Bras. Bot. 18, 227-234.GABRIELLI, A.C.; CASTRO, M.M. Anatomia da semente madura de Pyrostegia venusta (Ker.) Miers - ...
Anatomy of seed plants, K. Esau. J. Wiley and Sons, Chichester (1977), 550 S., 321 Abb. 2. Auflage K Schmitz - 《Zeitschrift Für Pflanzenphysiologie》 被引量: 0发表: 1977年 Neutral carrier based ion-selective electrode for the determination of Na+ in urine Koryta, J. (Ed.), ...
A general term for lentils, beans and peas. The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) reserves the term pulse for crops harvested solely for dry seed, thus excluding green beans and green peas, which the FAO calls vegetable crops; it also excludes crops primarily grown for oil extraction (...
G片猛男日记 Wrangler: Anatomy of an Icon电影,一举从同志A片工业,Jack Wrangler在同志运动方兴未艾的70年代初,挺进异性恋A片工业,更是60、70年代同志文化的缩影,本片纪录的不仅是Jack Wrangler面对性向和情欲永远大方坦然的传奇人生,接着又出人意表地和年长22岁的女歌星共
The sng2 mutant of Arabidopsis is defective in the gene encoding the serine carboxypeptidase‐like protein sinapoylglucose:choline sinapoyltransferase seed extracts for altered levels of sinapate esters, a group of phenylpropanoid compounds found in Arabidopsis and some other members of the Brassicaceae. ...
Interstitial section,which connects through the wall of the uterus to the interior of the uterus Isthmus,a narrow section that is about one-third of the length of the tube Ampulla,which is thin-walled like the isthmus and makes up about half the length of the tube ...