2.(Zoology) any marine teleost fish of the genusHippocampus,having a horselike head. Seeseahorse1 3.(Anatomy) an area of cerebral cortex that forms a ridge in the floor of the lateral ventricle of the brain, which in cross section has the shape of a sea horse. It functions as part of...
The hippocampus is popularly known to be involved in learning and memory. However, emerging evidence indicates that the hippocampus also mediates emotions in a process that involves modulating motor and autonomic outflow. The parts of the hippocampus involved in modulating autonomic activities a...
hippocampus [hip″o-kam´pus] (L.) a curved elevation of gray matter on the floor of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle; it is an important functional component of the limbic system. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition....
hippocampus [‚hip·ə′kam·pəs] (anatomy) A ridge that extends over the floor of the descending horn of each lateral ventricle of the brain. [‚hip·ə′kam·pəs] (vertebrate zoology) A genus of marine fishes in the order Gasterosteiformes which contains the sea horses. ...
2008.Anatomy of the hippocampus and the declarative memory system. In: Eichenbaum HE, editor. Memory systems. Oxford: Elsevier. p. 47-66.Burwell RD, Agster KL (2008) Anatomy of the hippocampus and the declarative memory system. In: Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference. (ed. John...
The human hippocampus receives distinct signals via the lateral entorhinal cortex, typically associated with object features, and the medial entorhinal cortex, associated with spatial or contextual information. The existence of these distinct types of information calls for some means by which they can be...
Hipp: hippocampus OFC: orbitofrontal cortex PC: piriform cortex Thal: thalamus Image:“Schematic view of the human olfactory system” by Saive, Royet, and Plailly (adapted from Royet et al.). License: CC BY 3.0 Related videos 5:46 Olfactory Mucosa and Olfactory Receptor Sign up to...
Thehippocampusandamygdalaare medial-lobe structures that, along with the adjacent cortex, are involved in long-term memory formation and emotional responses. The basal nuclei are a set of nuclei in the cerebrum responsible for comparing cortical processing with the general state of activity in the ...
This paper puts the case for the hippocampus as being central to the neuropathology and pathophysiology of schizophrenia. The evidence comes from a range of approaches, both in vivo (neuropsychology, structural and functional imaging) and post mortem (histology, morphometry, gene expression, and neuro...
To master the complex anatomy of the basal ganglia, take a look below: Basal ganglia Explore study unit Limbic system Hippocampus 1/2 Synonyms: Hippocampal formation, Hippocampus proper , show more... The limbic system is a set of structures spanning the cerebrum, subcortex and brainstem. ...