origin attachment of a muscle that remains relatively immovable Antagonist resisted the prime movers action muscle fiber muscle cell Synergist helps agonist move functions of muscular system move body, heartbeat, digestion, and heat type of energy muscles use atp關於...
Muscle and Bones Anatomy Quiz 37個詞語 Dmiagany4 預覽 Skeletal System 164個詞語 Sadie_Rogers6 預覽 Anatomy Intro & Biochem Review 38個詞語 audreymh0301 預覽 3-2 , 3-3Overview of the Integumentary System 20個詞語 raineymarang 預覽 Biology - Anatomy 5個詞語 Bint_Muhib_Nawar 預覽 Anatomy Exa...
Chapter 7 Practice Quiz 42個詞語 emilyazzara12345 預覽 Phys final exam 178個詞語 mcgowan_kathleen 預覽 Exam III Muscle and Cardiovascular physiology 34個詞語 corilamere 預覽 Anatomy and Physiology PLANES 7個詞語 kmurray739 預覽 structure of hair/scalp 1/3 28個詞語 dbooth2938 預覽 Anatomy and ...
Muscle Anatomy Quiz 88個詞語 pinkcow7 預覽 anatomy test 4- ch. 11 69個詞語 feddyyyy2731 預覽 Study Guide: Chapter 27, Lecture 20 7個詞語 mshranderson 預覽 Contraception Methods & Client Education 22個詞語 jackcely1 預覽 Chapter 10: Muscle Tissue and Organization 195個詞語 Siyan96 預覽 Ch ...
BIO 210- A&P 1 - Lab Quiz 1 125個詞語 Sherkayla1 預覽 Exam 3 - SLHS Anatomy: Phonation muscle specific function 18個詞語 Hannah_1330 預覽 Neuroscience Exploring the Brain: Chapter 3 53個詞語 KatB221 預覽 Chapter 10 153個詞語 sbuttitta02 預覽 Anatomy 28個詞語 bronsondemucha 預覽 Superficial...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含5 Main functions、4 Characteristics、3 main muscle types等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Functions, properties of skeletal muscle, Contractibility and more.
Chapter 9 BIO 220 muscle tissue 113個詞語 mikalahflanagan 預覽 ANSC 3070 Lecture 14 Nervous System (part 2) 47個詞語 william_Portwood7 預覽 Medical Terminology Ch. 5-6 Review 84個詞語 PriceJ11 預覽 Breast and Lymphatic System 9個詞語 Bella_Parento 預覽 Cell Neuro Quiz #4 10個詞語 alexis...
Quiz 6 28個詞語 heatherheatherh 預覽 Anatomy KCU practice question 56個詞語 Justincollinz 預覽 Spinal Anatomy - Chapter XI Part 2 - Arthology of Vertebral Column 55個詞語 RobBr_58 預覽 PHYSIO: Immune system 38個詞語 vanessa_buenrostro19 預覽 ap psych 3B vocab 28個詞語 sarah82286 預覽 chapter...
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Much of muscle tissue's natural elasticity is provided by, Which of the following is not found in thick filament, Sarcoplasmic reticulum lies where and more.