As you turn around and exit the vagina, you may come across an elastic ring of skin surrounding the outer opening. Or you may not. Either way, this is called thehymenand has absolutely no bearing on who you are or how you’ve lived your life, despite what other misguided people may c...
The navel, or belly button, is the small scar left after the umbilical cord is cut at birth. While it has no function after birth, its central position on the abdomen makes it a distinctive feature, often appearing as an 'innie' or 'outie.' For some, the navel is also a site for ...
Omohyoid (Inferior belly) Omohyoid (Superior belly) Opening of nasolacrimal duct Opening of the maxillary sinus Ophthalmic nerve; Ophthalmic division [Va; V1] Optic canal Oral Part of the Pharynx Oral cavity proper Oral vestibule Orbicularis oculi Orbicularis oculi (Orbital part) Or...
DigastricAnterior belly: digastric fossa of themandibleMandibleThe largest and strongest bone of the face constituting the lower jaw. It supports the lower teeth.Jaw and Temporomandibular Joint: AnatomyAnterior and posterior bellies: intermediate tendonAnterior belly: mylohyoid nerve, branch of themandibul...
Posterior belly of digastric muscleStylohyoid m. Glossopharyngeal (CN __) CN IXSensory: Taste & general sensation of base of tongue (posterior 1/3)Motor: Single muscle, stylopharyngeus m., innervation of pharynx CN IX Sensory Functions Tactile sensation for - bolus containment and taste contr...
The lower root further branches to the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle and the lower part of the sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscles (Table 7). Table 7 Muscles innervated by ansa cervicalis. Full size table The ansa cervicalis has important anatomical and clinical significance. ...
Call your doctor right away if you have any of these serious abdominal strain symptoms, particularly if you are having trouble in breathing oving itting leeping, and w alking. Additionally, you should be checked for a hernia if you see or feel a protrusion in your belly or groin. ...
Anterior belly of digastric muscle Digastric fossa Genioglossus muscle Superior mental spine Geniohyoid muscle Inferior mental spine Mylohyoid muscle Mylohyoid line Muscles that insert to the mandibleTable quiz Lateral pterygoid muscle Pterygoid fossa Temporalis muscle Apex and medial surface of ...
Belly- fleshy part of muscle, mass of contractile tissue Bilateralism- all structures lateral to median are developed in mirror-image across median plane. Bursa- pad, capsule filled with synovial fluid Calcaneus- heel Carpus, Carpal- wrist Cartilage- non-osseous skeletal material composed of often ...
oSuperior belly: side of hyoid corpus oInferior belly: upper body of scapula oIntermediate tendon •Innervation oSup: ansa cervicalis (superior ramus, C1) oInf: ansa cervicalis (main, C2-C3) •Function o Depresses hyoid Sternothyroid Sternum to the thryiod muscle •Anatomy oManubrium st...