Finally, the book has come into physical form after hard and passionate work over the course of 20 years, since Uldis came up with the dream of creating such a book. It took Academy Studies him 11 years of classical art studies, over 200 international sculpting festivals, symposiums and ...
Year Book Medical Publishers. Chicago, pp 14–32 Tagart REB (1966) The anal canal and rectum: their varying relationship and its effect on anal continence. Dis Colon Rectum 9: 449 CrossRef Tench EN (1936) Development of the anus in the human embryo. Am J Anat 59: 333 CrossRef ...
This book is a thorough guide on how to perform safe and effective thread-lifting procedures as a less invasive approach to rejuvenation of the face. The opening chapters explain the importance of the fixation technique, describe the facial and the pinch anatomy, and discuss the characteristics of...
”. In 1882 his first book, a comparative anatomy, was published, and his illustrations were so accurate that they spawned interest all over the globe. He is credited with having given rhinology the pride of place it deserves. Along the road of discovery one finds monuments to masters such ...
The art of writing a scientific article. Heliyon. 19, e00205. Reference to a book: Strunk Jr., W., White, E.B., 2000. The Elements of Style, fourth ed. Longman, New York. Reference to a chapter in a book: Mettam, G.R., ...
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About the book Description Designed to help you quickly learn or review normal anatomy and confirm variants, Imaging Anatomy: Ultrasound, second edition, is the ultimate reference worldwide, keeping you current within the fast-changing field of ultrasound imaging through comprehensive coverage of sonogra...
Anatomy of facial expression book created for artists with color-coded 3D and live model images. Create realistic emotions and inspire real emotions
View PDF View chapter About the book Some multimedia content, downloadable content, and/or access to additional websites may not be available if accessing this title through ScienceDirect. Description The New Edition of this up-to-date comprehensive sectional anatomy atlas features all new images,...
This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/00000441-187307000-00029DELAFIELDFRANCISAmerican Journal of the Medical SciencesIt was probably first described unknowingly by Delafield in 1871 in his Hand- book of Post-mortem Examinations and Morbid Anatomy, or even by Meckel in 1847,...