Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology helps you succeed in the challenging A&P course with an easy-to-understand narrative, precise visuals, and steadfast accuracy. Every chapter of the Tenth Edition includes one- and two-page Spotlight Figures that seamlessly integrate text and visuals to guide you...
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGYELSEVIERLogan Turner's Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear (Tenth Edition)
Human Anatomy & Physiology has launched the careers of more than three million healthcare professionals. With the newly revised Tenth Edition, Marieb and Hoehnintroduce a clear pathway through A&P that helps students and instructors focus on key concepts and make meaningful connections. Each chapter ...
Anatomy and physiologydoi:10.1016/0260-6917(88)90016-0Brian GilchristLogan Turner's Diseases of the Nose, Throat and Ear (Tenth Edition)
Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology – Tenth international edition; Essentials of Interactive Physiology CD-ROMEssentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology – Tenth international edition; Essentials of Interactive Physiology CD-ROMdoi:10.7748/ns2013. McGurk...
Reports on the 1997 meeting of the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society in Portland, Oregon. Number of attendees; Structure of the meeting; Exhibitors at the event; Summary of update seminars and their respective presenters.EBSCO_AspAmerican Journal of Physiology...
Intended for use with any A&P textbook, the lab manual is available in customized editions as well as in three conventional versions: Main (Tenth Edition), Cat (Eleventh Edition), and Fetal Pig (Eleventh Edition).Elaine N Marieb
Now in its Tenth Edition, Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology continues to set the standard for short-course A&P texts. Its dramatically updated art program, more streamlined presentation of material, and integration of chapter objectives will help you better visualize and understand the structure...
Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook: A Complete Study Guide – Tenth editionAnatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook: A Complete Study Guide – Tenth edition Anatomy & physiology coloring workbook : a complete study guide Elaine N. Marieb (The Benjamin/Cummings series in human anatomy and physiol...