Skull, skeletal framework of the head of vertebrates, composed of bones or cartilage, which form a unit that protects the brain and some sense organs. The skull includes the upper jaw and the cranium. Learn more about the anatomy and function of the skul
skull: anatomy the skull (cranium) is the skeletal structure of the head supporting the face and forming a protective cavity for the brain . the skull consists of 22 bones divided into the viscerocranium (facial skeleton) and the neurocranium. the neurocranium is further subdivided into the ...
Parietal bones.The paired parietal bones form most of the superior andlateralwalls of the cranium; they meet in the midline of the skull at thesagittalsutureand form thecoronalsuture, where they meet the frontal bone. Temporal bones.The temporal bones lie inferior to the parietal bones; they j...
The skull cap is made up of the pairs of parietal bones and parts of the frontal bone as well as the occipital bone. The most important sutures in the human skull are: the coronal suture (between the frontal and parietal bone) the sagittal suture (dividing both the parietal bones) the ...
The human skeleton can be divided into the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton is formed by the vertebral column, the rib cage, the skull and other associated bones. The appendicular skeleton, which is attached to the axial skeleton, is formed by the pectoral ...
Location of the muscle.Some muscles are named for the bone with which they are associated; for example, the temporalis and frontalis muscles overlie the temporal and frontal bones of the skull. Number of origins.When the term biceps, triceps, or quadriceps forms part of a muscle name, one ...
Bone, rigid body tissue consisting of cells embedded in an abundant hard intercellular material. Bone tissue makes up the individual bones of the skeletons of vertebrates. Its two principle components are collagen and calcium phosphate. Learn more about
Like most structures in the body, the orbits of the skull do more than one job. The orbits, or eye sockets as they're more commonly known, give shape to the forehead and eyebrows. They also protect the eyes. The orbits are made up of the frontal, maxilla, lacrimal, zygomatic, palatine...
Structure and Function The skull bones (frontal, nasal, and maxillae) take part in forming the temple of the nose, and most of its external appearance is made up by the soft tissue structures underlying rather than the bones.[2] Two paired nasal bones with the ascending process of the max...
The skull contains all the bones of the head and is a shell for the brain and the origins of the central nervous system. A first glance shows that this is one large mass of detailed and irregular bone. Upon closer inspection however, it seems that it is intricately constructed of many sm...