acomputed tomographyscan or magnetic resonance image uses planes of section. These planes of section are described assagittalorlongitudinalthrough the middle of the body, organ, or skull.Parasagittalis a plane that is
Peleg et al.’s hypothesis is that the curves of the spine must adjust to the orientation of the sacrum’s body [13]. In reality, this means that a horizontal sacrum results in an almost vertical orientation of the superior disk surface of S1. To cope with such an orientation of the ...
The transverse plane (TR), the inclination of the tibial plateau (I), the most anterior point on the border of the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle (AMC), the most posterior point on the border of the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle (PMC), the tangent plane ...
PET scan should start from the mid-thigh to skull base to exploit the reduced 68Ga-PSMA ligand uptake in the urinary bladder and with several bed positions [5,6,7] were performed each with approximately 15-cm axial field of view per bed position with 4-mm in-plane spatial resolution and...
Because of the manual delineation used in the Adult and Pediatric Cohorts, the Corpus Medullare (CM) in our work covers the main body of the white matter (WM) and does not represent all of the WM. We believe using training images with higher resolution and finer delineation of the WM ...
we adopt here the FP labels into the CCF to merge the labels in the single atlas framework. We use cell type-specific transgenic mice and an MRI atlas to adjust and further segment our labels. Moreover, detailed segmentations are added to the dorsal striatum using cortico-striatal connectivity...
After interhemispheric section, a special guillotine was used to make blocks of the thalamus and basal ganglia in planes parallel or orthogonal to the reference stereotactic plane (i.e. passing through the centers of the anterior and posterior commissures). The blocks were then postfixed 2–3 ...
by volume. A preferred formulation includes 1 part alginate per 3 parts of water to produce soft tissues having a high degree of body, such as the spleen discussed above. For soft tissues that have less body, such as a spinal disc or the prostrate gland disclosed above, a preferred ratio...
24 temporal bones from body donors were excised and fixed in Karnovsky's formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde solution for several weeks. To ensure rapid fixative penetration, oval and round windows were penetrated with a needle and the fixative gently perfused with a Pasteur pipette. Specimens were post-fix...
The orthoradial width of the alveolar bone was 7.73 mm (SD: 4.1 mm), the rectilinear width of the antral plane was 9.07 mm (SD: 1.9 mm), and the depth of the palatal recess was 3.87 mm (SD: 1.97 mm). On the left side, type 3a was identified in 14 cases. The orthoradial ...