As a political belief system, anarchy breaks roughly into two separate schools of thought. One rejects all government authority in favor of a belief in the individual's liberty and the right to self-govern. The other rejects government authority in favor of a belief in collectivism or the prim...
Often disenchantment with government follows as a country falls into anarchy. There are historical antecedents to the creation of this type of risk. Banking in developing economies contends with political realities that rub off on the economy. Thus bank managements should always accurately read and ...
It’s no coincidence that the radio broadcasting system use by Norsefire is called the “Voice of Fate”—Fate is, after all, the opposite of freedom. Evey Hammond and V, the two main characters of V for Vendetta, despise the Norsefire government—as Evey puts it succinctly, “We ...
Within its pages, it seems that no hierarchy, no political structure, no matter how big or small, doesn't hold some form of corruption within it. Whether the crass and brutal lack of empathy of the Vogons, the mind-numbing bureaucracy of local, municipal government, or the start-system ...
Anarchy is social and political theory calling for the replacement of government rule with a system of self-government and unlimited individual liberty. Anarchy is also used negatively as a term describing violence, chaos, and social collapse. ...
Anarchic environments are ubiquitous. Unable to rely on government, individuals in such environments develop private institutions of governance to promote social cooperation. Private governance consists of privately created social rules and mechanisms of
The paper concludes that contemporary world politics is more hierarchic than domestic politics and that there are factors such as inter-subjective knowledge and shared understandings which in the absence of world government provide the basis for order and stability in the international system. 39 ...
It demands bold new political thinking, if only because it defies all previous textbook treatments of government.doi:10.1111/1468-0041.00244John KeaneJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Public Policy ResearchKEANE, John (2002), "Cosmocracy: A Global System of Governance or Anarchy," New Economy, vol. 9, ...
The French invasion of Portugal in 1807 followed by the flight of the Portuguese court (sovereign and government officers) to Rio de Janeiro brought large benefits to Brazil. Indeed, the transfer of the court in effect signified achievement of Brazilian independence. The Portuguese prince and ...
A complex system where tiny changes can lead to unpredictable results, often studied in chaos theory. Chaos theory explains how small variations in weather patterns can lead to vastly different outcomes. 5 Anarchy The absence of government and laws, emphasizing individual freedom. In an anarchist so...