Although at this stage the CCP looked to be in a very weak position, hemmed into a poor border province, the reality was that the KMT was in a lot of trouble. Before the open war with the Japanese the KMT had a period of almost ten years where it controled much of China and so ha...
That anarchist societies don’t make problems go away, they just shift how they are discussed and decided. Be the revolution Woman at the edge of time Was a compelling smack in the head about how my blindness to gender and racial inequity did not exempt me from at least learning about ...
"Since kinship is a key feature in ‘primitive’ societies, according to Hobsbawm, it was a major factor in the leadership of the sindicato [union] in Casas Viejas. "There is no evidence that kinship had anything to do with leadership in the anarchist movement in Casa Viejas or anywhere...
Anarchist geographies refer to a diverse spectrum of egalitarian and libertarian approaches applied to critically understand human and nonhuman spatialities. These approaches seek to critique and reconfigure the geographic discipline from inside and outside academia utilizing concepts, analytical tools, and p...
Eschatology: Should the world be abandoned to "tribulation" and imminent catastrophe while we await a "Rapture," or should we be making plans to create peaceful and orderly human societies which will last for millennia into the future? The position on "government" in this campaign is written ...
anarchist writers have analysed history for libertarian tendencies. Kropotkin argued, for example, that“from all times there have been Anarchists and Statists.”[Op. Cit., p. 16]InMutual Aid(and elsewhere) Kropotkin analysed the libertarian aspects of previous societies and noted those that success...
“Social stratification is a system of ranking individuals and groups within societies. It refers to a society’s ranking of its people into socioeconomic tiers based on factors like wealth, income, race, education, and power. You may remember the word “stratification” from geology class. The...
solarpunk could become a fecund playground for elaborating upon libertarian ideas and practices through the mediums of aesthetics and fiction. For solarpunks, the visions of free and ecological societies glimpsed at through its eco-utopias and experiments in eco-technology can act as a gateway to ...
In 1848, for example, he called for wanted workplaces to be “handed over to democratically organised workers’ associations” which would then form a “vast federation of companies and societies woven into the common cloth of the democratic social Republic.” [38] Fifteen years later, he ...
to write out of history competing socialist theories. For example, Leninist David McNally talks of the"anarcho-socialist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon"and how Marx combated"Proudhonian socialism"before concluding that it was"non-socialism"because it has"wage-labour and exploitation."[Against the Market, p...