Oracle JDK/JRE Based on alpinelinux with Oracle JRE Usage Create your docker image as usual but define the following variables: ENV APPLICATION_USER my-application-user Futhermore you may use the included shell scripts: . /environment-hygiene to clean up the environment just before starting yo...
Oracle also provides the latest OpenJDK release under the open source GPL License at anapsix mentioned this issue Apr 18, 2019 Upgrade to alpine 3.9 #78 Closed anapsix added the help wanted label Apr 18, 2019 anapsix mentioned this issue Apr 18, 2019 More detailed ...
Oracle JDK/JRE Based on alpinelinux with Oracle JRE Usage Create your docker image as usual but define the following variables: ENV APPLICATION_USER my-application-user Futhermore you may use the included shell scripts: . /environment-hygiene to clean up the environment just before starting yo...