server-jre:表示这是Java的服务器版JRE(Java Runtime Environment)镜像,适合用于运行Java应用程序。 unlimited:表示这个JRE版本没有加密强度限制,通常用于需要强加密算法支持的场景。 2. 说明该镜像提供了什么 该镜像提供了以下功能和组件: 基于Alpine Linux的轻量级Java运行环境。 Java 8的服务器版JRE,支持运行Java应用...
8_jdk-dcevm_unlimited Latest Oracle Java 7 Server-JRE: 7 7_server-jre Latest Oracle Java 7 JDK (plus DCEVM variant): 7_jdk 7_jdk-dcevm Usage Example: docker run -it --rm anapsix/alpine-java java -version Disclaimer By using Dockerfiles contained in this repo and/or container images de...
Oracle JDK/JRE Based on alpinelinux with Oracle JRE Usage Create your docker image as usual but define the following variables: ENV APPLICATION_USER my-application-user Futhermore you may use the included shell scripts: . /environment-hygiene to clean up the environment just before starting yo...
anapsix/alpine-java:8_server-jre_unlimited. Contribute to steigr/docker-java development by creating an account on GitHub.