the repetition of the phrase “it was” provides several examples of contrast. The sentence creates wonder in the reader to find out how these are both and bestandworst of times, the age of wisdomandfoolishness, and so on. The anaphora...
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘anaphora'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors. Send us feedback Word Family anaphora the "anaphora" family Vocabulary lists ...
” This explains why there is so little real-world examples in these books, as the data that would allow them to give such practical step-by-step examples is not available, and neither are the steps involved in becoming a “trader” or a player in these transactions, and not merely ...
Anaphora is a rhetorical term for therepetitionof a word or phrase at the beginning of successiveclauses. By building toward aclimax, anaphora can create a strong emotional effect. Consequently, thisfigure of speechis often found inpolemical writingsand passionate oratory, perhaps most famously in ...
Examples include Verstegan and Harvey’sMeditation of a Penitent Sinnercurrently claimed to have been first-published in 1560 and Percy’sLike Will to Likeinterlude that appears to have been back-dated to 1568. If some of these early texts and the Workshop’s output are set aside, I have ...
Blum AL, Langley P (1997) Selection of relevant features and examples in machine learning. Artif Intell 97(1–2):245–271 MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar Brennan SE, Friedman MW, Pollard CJ (1987) A centering approach to pronouns. In: Proceedings of the 25th annual meeting on association...
1.NCAcharacterisingproperties.Hankamer&Sag1976and,morerecently,Depiante2001 claimedthatNCA(inoppositiontoVPellipsis)isadeepanaphora,sincethenullconstituent, presentingsententialorpredicativecontent,showsthefollowingproperties:(i)itisidentifiedby (sometypesof)mainverbs,(ii)itmayberecoveredfromthepragmaticcontext,(iii...
booksandcrystalhitthefloor,[...] (2)YoueitherbelieveSeymourcandoit againoryoudon’t.Besidethedesigner’s age,otherriskfactorsforMr.Cray’s companyincludetheCray-3’s[...]chip technology. 1 Inallexamplestheanaphoristypedinboldfaceandthe
The last couple of images below are examples of the acting and lighting across this film. Except for scenes in very bright computer laboratories built by the intelligence, most of the drama takes place in very dark rooms with near candle-sized lighting. Since the guy Depp is playing is suppo...
and students of leadership studies. The examples of leadership and governance in this book, including both ineffective and effective leadership, come from the non-profit sector, business and industry, as well as the private and public kindergarten-12th grade and college education worlds. Some of th...