凤梨(拉丁名:Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.),别名菠萝、露兜子、番菠萝蜜、㞷菜、打锣槌,凤梨科凤梨属多年生常绿草本植物。为浅根系喜气植物;茎短;叶多数,呈莲座式排列,剑形,长40~90厘米,宽4~7厘米,腹面为绿色,背面呈粉绿色,边缘和顶端常带褐红色;球果状的穗状花序顶生,由叶丛中抽出,长6~10厘米,结果时...
【说说菠萝】 菠萝(Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.),原名凤梨,为凤梨科(Bromeliaceae)凤梨属的多年生单子叶常绿草本,高0.5-1.5m,无主根,具纤维质须根系;肉质茎,叶片螺旋着生,叶剑形,叶背面的气孔和茸毛...
H. Micropropagation of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.). In: Bajaj, Y. P. S., ed. Biotechnology in agriculture and forestry, Vol. 18. HighTech and micropropagation II. New York: Springer Verlag; 1992:460±469.MOORE, G. A.; DEWALD, M. G.; EVANS, M. H. Micro propagation of ...
Pineapple ( Ananas comosus L., Merr.) leaf proteinases are cysteine type enzymes which are related to the previously reported stem and fruit enzymes by criteria of molecular weight and pH activity. The amount of this activity in leaf tissue is considerable but under our conditions of culture it...
(Ananas comosus) Product code:E-BROM €0.00 20 mL; 1,000 Units Prices exclude VAT Data Sheet SDS COAs This product has been discontinued (read more). High purity bromelain protease from pineapple stems for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays andin vitrodiagnostic analysis. ...
Common name(s): PineappleAnanas comosus (L.) Merr. Genus of 5 or 6 species of evergreen, terrestrial perennials (bromeliads) from South America. Most types of Ananas (Pineapple) produce pink flower-heads and these are followed by small aromatic but inedible fruits if the plants have been ...
照片 关于 菠萝菠萝Ananas comosus是一种热带植物,有可食用的水果,也叫菠萝 菠萝在南美是本土的,在那里种植了几个世纪. 图片 包括有 培养, 世纪, 自然 - 167416920
Ananas Family:Bromeliaceae. Common name(s): PineappleAnanas comosus (L.) Merr. Genus of 5 or 6 species of evergreen, terrestrial perennials (bromeliads) from South America. Most types of Ananas (Pineapple) produce pink flower-heads and these are followed by small aromatic but inedible fruits ...
照片 关于 菠萝菠萝Ananas comosus是一种热带植物,有可食用的水果,也叫菠萝 菠萝在南美是本土的,在那里种植了几个世纪. 图片 包括有 特写镜头, 四季不断, 自然 - 167416903
Globally, Mexico ranks ninth among the main producers of pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.), despite its production system still relying on field-based vegetative propagation, which limits the establishment of new cultivation areas. Consequently, the primary challenge in Mexico is the implementatio...