Analyzing Neural Time Series Data. Theory and Practice. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 552 Cohen, M. A., Cavanagh, P., Chun, M. M., & Nakayama, K. (2012). The attentional requirements of 553 consciousness. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 16(8), 411-417.
A method for analyzing time series data in process mining: application and extension of decision point analysis, volume 204 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, pages 68-84. Springer International Publishing, 2015.R. Dunkl, S. Rinderle-Ma, W. Grossmann, and K. Anton Froschl, ...
Get started with understanding the power of Twitter data and what you can achieve using social media analysis. In this chapter, you’ll extract your first set of tweets using the Twitter API and functions from the powerful ‘rtweet’ library. Then it’s time to explore how you can use the...
A recording and reproducing apparatus and method which prevents or managing a data loss caused by each of seek operations in recording/reproducing a time-series digital data set, to/from a disk recording media via a buffer. Beforerecordi... R Yasukohchi,A Uesugi,M Sato,... 被引量: 19发...
With rapid growth in ecommerce applications or any e-business application use of high dimensional data becomes very common. Thus mining this high dimensional data is the major problem faced by any business application. Time series data is also high dimensional data where information is collected wit...
Thisarticleisconcernedwithcategoricalsequencedataandmorespecificallywithstate sequences,wherethepositionofeachsuccessivestatereceivesameaningfulinterpretation intermsofage,date,ormoregenerallyofelapsedtimeordistancefromthebeginningof thesequence.Itsaimistoexamineaseriesofquestionsaboutsuchstatesequencesandto ...
To improve the performance of early risk identification, a new strategy for analyzing time-series data based on dynamic networks (ATSD-DN) in a systematic time dimension is proposed. In ATSD-DN, the non-overlapping ratio was applied to measure the changes in feature ratios during the process ...
Using history of the values of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) which is extracted from satellite sensor data acquired by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration - Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA-AVHRR), long time series of satellite-derived vegetation index ...
if("affy"%in%rownames(installed.packages()) ==FALSE) {source("");biocLite("affy")} suppressMessages(library(affy)) ls('package:affy') myData <-ReadAffy(celfile.path="F:/R/bioinformation with R cookbook")#ReadAffy()返回的是一个AffyBatch object(对象) ...
In this study, we used the MK test to detect the drought trend in the time-series data. 3.3. Assessment of the Relative Rate of Influence 3.3.1. Random Forest and the Relative Rate of Influence The random forest (RF) method, which is an ensemble of classification and regression trees (...