1.Good public speakers are. a.self-centered b.content-centered c.audience-centered d.delivery-centered 2.To be audience-centered, you need to keep all of the following questions in mind when you work on your speeches EXCEPT. a.to whom am I speaking b.what do I want them to know, bel...
Audience-centeredness Goodpublicspeakersareaudience-centered.Thefinalgoalistogainadesiredresponsefromtheaudienceorlisteners. Audience-centeredness Audience-centeredness Beforeworkingonthespeech,alwaysaskyourself: TowhomamIspeaking? WhatdoIwantthemtoknow(believe)ordoasaresultofmyspeech?
FXCC or FX Central Clearing is a Cyprus-established Forex broker founded in 2010 that provide forex exchange market professionals and retail traders access to trade currencies, cryptocurrencies, indices, energies, and metals through advanced technology. The company is known for its customer-centric appr...
In the TEDx Talk “The Magic of Not Giving a F***”, Sarah Knight guides the audience through her journey to living a carefree life where she is happy because as the title says she doesn’t “give a f***”. She does this by doing what she would prefer to do with her time and...
I talked about some television variety show might have somenegative social influenceto audience especially to youth audiences, also, some of comments talked about there are too many imported shows in Chinese variety show marketplace rather than the original ones. From my perspective, I do not thin...
The aim is to reconstruct the relations of alliance, conflict, and ignoring between the six political parties, as presented to the audience in the debate. The paper starts by discussing the relevant methodological approaches: the analysis of communicative events in network research (2) and the ...
Times were changing and the industry had to change with it. The studio system had declined rapidly in the 1950s and by the late 1960s was all but over. The audience had segmented into different social groups with increased leisure options rather than the mass habit audience of the golden ...
Dahlia Remler is Professor at the School of Public Affairs, Baruch College, City University of New York and the Department of Economics, Graduate Center, City University of New York. She is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.Read more... ...
Putting these sermons online and thereby obliterating the narrow boundaries of the traditional evangelical church audience, these preachers have opened a fairly ossified discursive form, the evangelical altar call, to linguistic scrutiny that provides valuable material for scholars interested in contemporary ...
He said in 1965 that metadis- course is a method for understanding language in use that helps the author or speaker guide the audience's understanding of a work (quoted in Hyland, 2004). Metadiscourse has been subject to a variety of interpretations and classifications (Crismore, 1993; Vande...