英语翻译 DMAIC是指定义(Define)、测量(Measure)、分析(Analyze)、改进(Improve)、控制(Control)五个阶段构成的过程改进方法,一般用于对现有流程的改进,包括制造过程、服务过程以及工作过程等等. 定义(Define) 界定核心流程和关键顾客,站在顾客的立场,找出对他们来说最重要的事项,也就是「品质关键要素」(Critical to ...
Define analyze. analyze synonyms, analyze pronunciation, analyze translation, English dictionary definition of analyze. tr.v. an·a·lyzed , an·a·lyz·ing , an·a·lyz·es 1. To examine methodically by separating into parts and studying their interrela
指定一个为analyze命令会话定义的常量宏列表。这对于包含由`ifdef/`endif结构体封装的Verilog或SystemVerilog代码很有用。 -library library_name 指定library_name为当前工作库(其-path接收所有分析的输出文件)。library_name应该在define_design_lib命令之前建立。设计库(包含模板中间文件的目录)不应该与.db或.ddc链接...
In this chapter, the application of the DMAIC methodology is presented as an important benchmark for improving the logistic aspect of healthcare services. In the initial stage, the conceptualization, origin, and evolution of the DMAIC methodology are reviewed. Then, a bibliometric analysis is ...
The five steps of DMAIC are define, measure, analyze, improve and control. The first three steps have to do with identifying problems and benchmarking, while analyzing how improvements might work. The fourth step, improvement, is the actual change process. The last step, control, has to do ...
六西格玛管理法中的DMAIC指的是什么? A. 定义(Define)、测量(Measure)、分析(Analyze)、改进(Improve)、控制(Control) B.
DMAIC正确的中文含义是什么( ) A. 定义(define)、测量(measure)、分析(analyze)、改进(improve)、控制(control) B
运用DMAIC循环解决问题D:明确定义(明确问题) (define)M:准确的测量问题 (rneasure) A. 科学的分析问题(analyze) B. I:对策确立,
Value objects:A value object has no identity. The values of its attributes define it, and it's immutable. Typical examples of value objects include colors, dates and times, and currency values. Aggregates:An aggregate defines a consistency boundary around one or more entities. The purpose of ...
Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the frame. He must make his problem more specific. Now the person must look ...