解析 The novel explores the theme of social class and gender through Jane's experiences, highlighting the limitations placed on women and the lower classes, while also showing how Jane transcends these barriers through her strength of character and determination. 五、翻译题...
a作者将先分析简爱的反抗性格逐步形成,然后分析简爱反抗性格形成的历史意义,社会意义,以及个人意义 The author will analyze Jane Eyre's revolt disposition to form gradually first, then will analyze the historical significance which the Jane Eyre revolt disposition will form, the social significance, as ...
The reason why decent women, was due to the temptation of not good enough.女人之所以正派,是因为...
答案: 正确答案: In Jane Eyre, Bertha Mason serves as an ominous representation of uncontrollable passion and madness. Her marriage to Rochester serves as the primary conflict of the novel, and it is only after her death that Jane is able to achieve personal happiness by marrying Mr. Rochester...
内涵与风格的传承试析《简·爱》和《大一女生》 Connotation and style inheritance——try to analyze Jane·Eyre and Big Female student,内涵与风格的传承试析《简..