According to ISI,Analytical Chemistrywas the most-cited journal in the field of analytical chemistry in 2004, with 59,525 total citations, as well as #1 in impact factor (5.450) among journals publishing 100 or more articles in 2004.[1]The impact factor in 2005 of this journal was 5.64....
The article reviews the periodical "Analytical Chemistry and Chemical Analysis," edited by Vladimir Zaitsev and published by the Shevchenko National University in Kiev, Ukraine.doi:10.1134/S1061934807060196V. N. ZaitsevNauka/Interperiodicajournal of analytical chemistry...
Analytical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. Fundamental articles may address the general principles of chemical measurement science and need not directly address existing or potential ...
分析化学Analytical chemistry,1947年创刊,隶属于美国化学学会(American Chemical Society),半月刊,ISSN:0003-2700,一年发行24期,是国际公认的分析化学领域老牌权威学术期刊,该期刊致力于发表分析化学各支学科具有新颖性及原创性的学术论文。目前期刊已被包括SCIE在内的多个数据库收录,JCR1区,中科院1区,TOP期刊,最新影响...
Analytical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. Fundamental articles may address the general principles of chemical measurement science without directly studying existing analytical methodology...
《Analytical Chemistry》是一本专注于CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL领域的English学术期刊,创刊于1929年,由American Chemical Society出版商出版,出版周期Weekly。该刊发文范围涵盖CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外CHEMISTRY, ANALYTICAL工作者
Snook ME. Journal of Analytical Chemistry . 1991Kuhn R,Erni F,Bereuter T,Hausler J. Journal of Analytical Chemistry . 1992Flexer V,Forzani E. S,Calvo E. Journal of Analytical Chemistry . 2006Schantz, M. M., Parris, R. M., Kurz, J., Ballschmiter, K. and Wise, S.A., Journal ...
Announcement:From January 2023Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistrywill become an open access journal. Authors who publish inChinese Journal of Analytical Chemistrywill be able to make their work immediately, permanently, and freely accessible.Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry… ...
Analytical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. Fundamental articles may address the general principles of chemical measurement science and need not directly address existing or potential ...
Analytical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. Fundamental articles may address the general principles of chemical measurement science and need not directly address existing or potential ...