[Step By Step]SAP HANA中创建分析视图(Analytic View) 1. 在Modeler视图中点击新建Analytic View 2. 设置分析视图的属性 Name: 分析视图的技术名称 Description: 分析视图的描述信息 Package: 分析视图所属的开发包 View Type: 视图的类型(Attribute, Analytic)。我们所建的是分析视图,所以默认为Analytic Copy From...
1. 创建层次Attribute View: ATTR_PRODUCT_HIERACHY ref:http://www.cnblogs.com/omygod/archive/2013/04/30/3052082.html 2. 在Content中,选中相应的package,右键新建Analytic View: 填写相应的参数: 点击Finish之后进入相应的主设计界面: 3. 添加数据对象 点击Data Foundation, 添加数据表FCTCustomerOrder 4. 选...
You can avail the 30days Free trail hereGet 30 days of free access to SAP HANA, developer edition 1. Using Quick Launch,choose ANALYTIC VIEW and click create. Alternatively right-click in the navigator pane on the desired package and click NEW and then ANALYTIC VIEW. 2. In the dialog box...
SAP HANA is a powerful, re-imagined, price-performant analytics platform, delivering real-time analytics and reporting to power a data-driven enterprise.Much of its benefits are due to how it unifies critical data analytics capabilities such as SQL, OLAP, Advanced Analytics and native EIM into ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP HANA Hi, Could somebody explain me in detail about this option ''Allow Relational Optimization'' in Analytic View. Thanks SR.Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before answering. Comment Comments...
11标准DSO属性设置forHANAExternal SAP HANA view reporting勾选该选项后会自动在HANA数据内生成一个AnalyticView1212TipsWrite optimized DSO13写优化DSO写优化DSO仅由一个A table构成。与标准DSO相对比写优化DSO不需要激活并且系统不会为写优化DSO生成SID 所以写优化DSO处理数据非常快。加载数据时写优化DSO对于同样逻辑...
SAP High-Performance Analytic Appliance (HANA) is an in-memory appliance that provides instant insight into business operations.
* with SAP ERP tables (SPRAS field) or equivalent design) * ! Limitation: not available in analytic view # it is possible to redesign a text join in using a dynamic filter on the language field ($$language$$). The 'language' input would get its value in an additional analytic view ...
oData with view and analytic privileges combination Go to solution roberto_falk Advisor on 2015 Aug 09 0 Kudos 139 SAP Managed Tags: SAP HANA Hi Experts, I'm exposing a table using a xsodata file, and everything works as expected, I can GET, POST, PUT and so on. But ...
SAP HANA(High-Performance Analytic Appliance) SAP HANA(High-Performance Analytic Appliance)是一种在本地内存中分析海量数据的技术,用户可以直接对大量实时业务数据进行查询和分析,而不需要对业务数据进行建模、聚合等,能够在刹那间获得复杂的分析与交易结果,实时完成业务决策,毫无延迟!