层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process简称AHP)(已处理) 热度: The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for Decision Making层次分析法(AHP)决策 热度: UDC519816:00442] :33848 THE ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS ASASUPPORTFOR DECISION MAKING Milanka Filipović ...
THE ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) 英文文献资料.pdf,Geoff Coyle: Practical Strategy. Open Access Material. AHP THE ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS (AHP) INTRODUCTION The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is due to Saaty (1980) and is often referred to, epony
The Analytic Hierarchy Process is rigorously concerned with the scaling problem and what sort of numbers to use, and how to correctly combine the priorities resulting from them. A scale of measurement consists of three elements: A set of objects, a set of numbers, and a mapping of th...
层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process) 1. 概述 2. AHP算法 2.1 建立层级 2.2 构造 成对 比较 矩阵 2.3 成对比较矩阵的 一致性检验 与 层次单排序 2.4 层次总排序 参考: 知乎 文档 THE ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS-WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT IS USED(英文,作者即AHP提出者,美国运筹学家、匹兹堡大学T.L.Saa...
Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP )Process, Analytic Hierarchy
层次分析法 The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) 层次分析法 在管理中,人们常常在面临多种方案时,需要依据一定的标准选择某一种方案。例如: 买 冰箱时,一般要依据质量、颜色、耗电量、价格、外形等方面的因素,从众多的品牌中进行选择一款 例如:企业的决策者要决定购置哪种设备,上马什么产品;经理要从若干求职者中...
Blumenthal, A.L., The Process of Cognition, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1977. Google Scholar Expert Choice, Software Package for IBM PC, Decision Support Software, 1300 Vincent Place, McLean, VA 22101. Google Scholar Saaty, Thomas L., The Analytic Hierarchy Process, McGraw-Hill, 1981...
MIS 463 Analytic Hierarchy Process The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Founded by Saaty in 1980. It is a popular and widely used method for multi-criteria decision making. Allows the use of qualitative, as well as quantitative criteria in evaluation. Wide range of applications exists: Selecting...
This paper discusses the use of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) in assigning weights to a group of elements. The weighting of elements has two major functions. First, it is employed to prioritize (rank) elements so that the key elements can be determined. This may for example help to...
I have briefly examined this concept within the framework of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). I assumed that this influence is a function of several factors. I considered three such supra-functional factors: (1) promote long-term sustainable forest production and resource protection; (2) ...