The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner’s best novel. Here is "a tale/Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. /Signifying nothing. " There is enough despair and nihilism but not much love and emotion in this sad story of the Compsons. Mr. Compson is disenchanted with life an...
文章编号:1672 -6758(2014)05 -0117 -3神 话原型批评 视角 下的枟喧哗与骚动 枠李小凡,杜珊( 中国海洋大学 外国语学院,山东 青岛 266100)摘要:威廉・ 福克纳是二十世纪美国 最重要的小说家, 其代表作枟喧哗与 骚动枠中大量运用 了 神话原型模式,从而使整部小说充满了 反讽色彩,揭示了 美国南方精神文化的...
AnalysisoftheSoundandFuryfromPerspectiveMythArchetypal 系统标签: 原型骚动神话喧哗archetypal视角 作者简介:李小凡,在读硕士,中国海洋大学外国语学院2013级。研究方向:英语语言文学。 杜珊,在读硕士,中国海洋大学外国语学院2012级。研究方向:英语语言文学。 文章编号:1672-6758(2014)05-0117-3 神话原型批评视角下的枟喧...
16-2 A textual analysis of The Sound and the Fury(上)。听TED演讲,看国内、国际名校好课,就在网易公开课
From: •thesecondCompsonchild,strong-willedyetcaring.Benjy'sonlyrealcaregiverandQuentin'sbestfriend.AccordingtoFaulkner,thetrueheroofthenovel.Caddyneverdevelopsavoice,butratherallowsherbrothers'emotionstowardsherto...
The Sound and the Fury which is the masterpiece of William Faulkner-one of the most famous American novelists in the 20 th century conveys the theme successfully and displays what Faulkner wanted to express on southern America by using its unique form and sophisticated techniques.The narrative tim...
Explore William Faulkner's ''The Sound and the Fury.'' Study the characters, review the summary, find the in-depth analysis, and examine the...
Analysis of Myth Stories in the Sound and the Fury问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 神话故事,在喧哗与骚动分析 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 在U.S.A 和中国之间的一个环境语言的差别 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 对神话故事的分析在声音和愤怒 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 在喧哗与...
The sound and the fury is regarded as one of the greatest novels in the 20th century and as a work of great brilliance, even genius. People have been studying it from the literary point of view or other disciplines, but not from the perspective of discourse analysis. This paper intends ...
“A Feminist Analysis of Caddy's Thoughts in The Sound and the Fury”出自《美中外语:英文版》期刊2015年第8期文献,主题关键词涉及有女性主义、诺贝尔文学奖、骚动、美国南部、掠夺者、妇女、声音、自由等。钛学术提供该文献下载服务。