Design of a Solid Rocket Motor for an Air to Air Missile:一个空空导弹固体火箭发动机设计 大型固体火箭喷管与燃烧室对接装置及方法 固体火箭发动机喷管的设计与性能仿真 固体火箭发动机长尾喷管内流场特性研究 某型号固体火箭发动机喷管型面设计与数值计算 固体火箭发动机C/C复合材料喷管烧蚀行为建模仿真方法 固体火箭...
Specialized computer models have been developed by others, to predict the multiphase flow through SRM nozzles, as well as the rocket plume. In this study, two approaches are discussed for calculating the effects of a particulate phase on the nozzle and plume flow in the continuum regime. The ...
Rocket Thrust MotorThis paper deals with the design of solid rocket mainly consists of determining the thickness of motor casing which includes the domes at head end, nozzle end and flange for bolted joints. Modeling of solid rocket motor components and its assembly is done in CATIAV5R19. ...
The extending displacement,velocity and acceleration and internal pressure of the actuator of a solid rocket motor(SRM) extendible exit cone(EEC) nozzle were calculated.Firstly,the nozzle was reduced to a one degree-of-freedom dynamic system,and then the dynamic equations describing the extending pro...
Model parameters are used to verify finite element dynamic model and to analyse vibration response .Model analysis method with cone shell element for axisymmetric shell is discussed in this paper.Model parameters of case and nozzle of solid rocket motors are obtained and compared with test data.关键...
Solid_Rocket_Motor_Analysis妄想**想i 上传503.76 KB 文件格式 zip 《固体火箭发动机分析》是一项针对小型铝-冰固体火箭发动机性能的解析性模拟研究。该研究通过建立数学模型,考虑了固体火箭燃料的特性、推进剂组分以及发动机结构参数等因素,对铝-冰固体火箭发动机的性能进行了全面分析。研究内容涵盖了推进剂燃烧特性、...
liquid rocket engine test facilities:液体火箭发动机试验设施 热度: Design of a Solid Rocket Motor for an Air to Air Missile:一个空空导弹固体火箭发动机设计 热度: 固体火箭发动机试验故障分析 热度: 相关推荐 书 文章编号:1006-2793(2005)01-0072-03 固体火箭发动机磁悬浮试验架系统动态性能分析 ! 王...
These are minimized by developing proper propellant and designing suitable nozzle. However, the losses cannot be brought down to zero. The paper analyses the various parameters that affect the thrust coefficient and brought out methods to improve the performance of solid rocket motor.P Bose...
Time- dependent nozzle erosion process in a solid propellant rocket motor This paper presents an approach to simulate erosion of rocket nozzle wall using a physics based model that relies on as little empirical data as possible. A model is developed from basic conservation equations taking into acc...
Tab.1Normalizeddataofsolidrocketengineparameters 性能参数1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 # 6 # 总冲0.76300.18100.01100.00100.0101 最大推力0.205510.35960.02400.12440.2820 最大压强0.484610.92310.90.84610.6154 点火延迟时间10.66670.66670.30.26671 工作时间0.92110.05920.01840.01180.02761 比冲0.98260.89370.89370.89370.97181 总...