data, or software openly available (Joseph,2021; Leonelli et al.,2015; Stirling,2024). For example, academic incentive systems prioritizing the quantity of publications and impact factors above the quality or rigor of research
Say a test is 100% accurate for positive, but has 10% of negatives that test positive, and say that 5% of all people have the disease, then only ⅓ of people who test positive actually have the disease. Topic: The Economic collapse, negative interest rates and the end of cash Bio: ...
A square wave is composed of an infinite summation of sinusoidal waves. Square wave displayed in time (above) and in the frequency domain (below) Let's think about how the equation for discrete Fourier transform works: To check the presence of a certain sine wave in a data sample, the ...
The expression data were added with white noise signals and scaled (Methods). We used two simulation configurations, one with an unbalanced num- ber of modulated gene pairs (20%) and the other with a balanced number (50%). Performance was evaluated using the measurements of precision, recall...
(EVD), which is one of three possible nondegenerate distributions to which an adequately large sample sizencan converge67. The other two include the Fréchet and Weibull EVDs, which are not considered; the latter requires an upper limit on the data (i.e., FIPs). Previous work revealed ...
Density functional theory (DFT) have been extensively used as an appropriate approach to investigate the magnetic properties and electronic structures of these materials9. However, the predictions of this ab initio theory sometimes are so sub- stantially inconsistent with experimental data that cannot ...
23February2017 by Judd-Ofelt Analysis and Energy Transfer Mechanistic Investigation Dekang Xu1, Anming Li2, Lu Yao1, Hao Lin2, Shenghong Yang2 &Yueli Zhang1,3 The development, design and the performance evaluation of rare-earth doped host materials is important for further optical...
International Journal of Geo-Information Article Using Visual Exploratory Data Analysis to Facilitate Collaboration and Hypothesis Generation in Cross-Disciplinary Research Xiaogang Ma 1,* ID , Daniel Hummer 2, Joshua J. Golden 3, Peter A. Fox 4, Robert M. Hazen 5, Shaunna M. Morrison 5 ID ...
real and functioning start-ups. The originality and value of the research lie in the direct collection of qualitative data, immediate knowledge of business reality, and the synthesis of results into a comprehensive and at the same time detailed picture of the strategic background of the start-up...
Introduction The Bayesian approach combines the prior knowledge about the model properties with the likelihood function of the data with the aim to estimate the posterior probability distributions of the subsurface properties of interests given the observed data [1,2]. The so computed posterior ...