1. Analogy involves explaining a more complex situation by drawing comparisons with a simpler, logically equivalent example.2. Metaphor, on the other hand, is a form of comparison where one thing is referred to as another, without the use of "like" or "as."
1)Hetreatedhisdaughterastheappleineye.(他视他女儿为掌上明珠)Definition:Ametaphorisanimplied(暗指的)simile Ametaphorisafigureofspeechinwhichtwodifferentthingsarecomparedwithouttheuseofthewords“as,like,as…as,asthough,asif”…(Anotherdefinition:Ametaphor,likesimile,alsomakecomparisonbetweentwounlikeelements,...
Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link to this page: Facebook Twitter Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. ...
one can make or draw an analogy between the seasons of the year and the stages of life. People also reason by way of analogy, asserting, for example, that abandoning a project is like leaving a house partway built. Although an analogy can be ...
Metaphor: A metaphor compares two subjects without any connecting words such as “like” or “as.” Metaphors are considered a strong form of analogy as they assert that one thingisanother. Simile: A simile is a comparison between two things using the connecting words “like” or “as.” ...
“as”or“like.”Anexampleofasimilewouldbe “youareasstubbornasamule”whichmeansto conveythefactthatyouarebeingverystubborn. Anotherexamplewouldbe“Heisasblindasa bat”meaninghedoesn’tseeverywell. Similesarewidelyusedbyauthors,songwriters, andpoets. ...
Conformity of words to the genius, structure, or general rules of a language; similarity of origin, inflection, or principle of pronunciation, and the like, as opposed to anomaly. --Johnson. Meaning of Analogy from wikipedia - Analogy is a comparison or correspondence between two things (or ...
"fishing is at best almost as unpredictable as New England weather," "blue were her eyes as the fairy-flax, her cheeks like the dawn of day," "a job full of more headaches than a case of bourbon") is often brief but it characteristically indicates (as by the use of like, as, so...
5. Time is like a river, constantly flowing and never stopping, carrying us along on its currents towards an unknown destination. 6. Learning is like building a house, with each new piece of knowledge serving as a brick to construct the foundation of understanding. 7. Patience is like a ...
在写作中,打比方就是指将两个有类似特征的事物加以比较,以更好地去解释其中的某个事物。 比如说: “Life is like a race. The one who keeps running wins the race and the one who stops to catch a breath loses.” 人生本来是个比较抽象的事物,通过将人生比喻成一场赛跑,读者更能从竞争的角度去理解...