Jud said: I recently ran across a news article on the Philly's salaries. Non-"name" players (second chair cello, that sort of thing) were making $130-150k. Here's a quote from the last round of contract negotiations for the Philadelphia Orchestra: ...
Simulating piston slap by an analogue computer. S.D. Haddad,P.W. Fortescue. Journal of Sound and Vibration . 1977Haddad.S.D,Fortescue.P.W.SIMULATING PISTON SLAP BY AN ANALOGUE COMPUTER. Journal of Sound and Vibration . 1977SIMULATING PISTON SLAP BY AN ANALOGUE COMPUTER. Haddad.S.D,...
Technological advances in controlling and manipulating fluids have enabled the experimental realization of acoustic analogues of gravitational black holes. A flowing fluid provides an effective curved spacetime on which sound waves can propagate, allowin
OK, so that’s the raw specs, but how does it sound? My first impression was that it’s raw and gritty, but as we became more acquainted the Fusebox showed me an increasingly impressive range of sonic goodness. Certainly you can get coarse monosynth results, and when sequenced it can ...
is more than a little impressive. The careful pacing won't appeal to everyone, but those who appreciate cleverly structured character dramas will get a lot out of it. The gorgeous artwork by Raide breathes life into Mute and Hyun-ae, whileIsaac Schankler's soundtrackis unobtrusively beautiful...
Intrusive memories were defined as spontaneously occurring (i.e., not deliberately or effortfully retrieved) image-based memories of the trauma film, which can be in any mental imagery modality (visual and/or auditory) for example the sight of a red car or the sound of screaming. Participants...
A multi-processor audio computer is described which has been developed within an interdisciplinary group in Music Technology and Audio Engineering at the University of Durham. Aspects of real-time sound generation and control are discussed together with the management of serial MIDI input and output ...
A flowing fluid provides an effective curved spacetime on which sound waves can propagate, allowing the simulation of gravitational geometries and related phenomena. The past decade has witnessed various hydrodynamic experiments testing disparate aspects of black-hole physics culminating with experimental ...