< 模电数电转换Analog-to-Digital Conversion搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
Fig.2-4Blockdiagramofdigitaltoanalogconverter Section3Analog-DigitalConversion Theinputregisterisaparallel-in,parallel-outdevice.Theconvertersignalisusedtoclocktheinputdataintotheregisterwhereitisstoreduntilthenextconvertersignalisreceived.BothA/DandD/Aconvertershavespecificationsofresolution,accuracy,speed,andgain;...
Analog-to-Digital Conversion(模拟数字转换) CHEM 411L Instrumental Analysis Laboratory Revision 1.0 Analog-to-Digital Conversion In this laboratory exercise we will construct an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) using the staircase technique. In todays world ADCs can be obtained as Integrated Circuits...
模数转换 就是将 模拟信号 转换为 数字信号,其过程包括 采样、量化 与 编码 三个阶段。 1、采样 采样 是将 时间上连续的模拟信号转换为时间上离散的信号。 采样点之间的时间间隔T被称为 采样周期,其倒数成为 采样频率 。采样定理(又称 奈奎斯特Nyquist定理)规定, 在模数转换的过程中,当釆样频率fs大于信号的最...
To clarify the point in time for which the conversion is valid, most ADCs include a start-conversion digital control signal and a digital status signal that indicates when the conversion is complete. These optional signals are shown as dashed lines on the block diagram of Fig. 9. Although ...
analog to digital converter error 模拟数字变换器误差 相似单词 analog to digital 模拟变数字的 analog n.(BrE.analogue) 模拟,相似物 a. 1.模拟的 2.指针式的 conversion n. 1.[U]转变,变换[作定语]( a metric conversion table) 2.[C]转变 digital n.[C] 1. 数字,数字式 2. 手指;足趾 ...
counter, this stream of PCM outputs was “digitized,” i.e., converted to a series of numbers. By reversing the process and applying a filter at the end, these numbers could be converted back to analog again. This was a huge breakthrough in analog to digital conversion, and the inverse...
当当中华商务进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《海外直订Analog-To-Digital Conversion 模拟数字转换》。最新《海外直订Analog-To-Digital Conversion 模拟数字转换》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《海外直订Analog-To-Digital Conversion 模
ANALOG-DIGITALCONVERSION 1.DataConverterHistory 2.FundamentalsofSampledDataSystems 3.DataConverterArchitectures 4.DataConverterProcessTechnology 5.TestingDataConverters 5.1TestingDACs 5.2TestingADCs 6.InterfacingtoDataConverters 7.DataConverterSupportCircuits 8.DataConverterApplications 9.HardwareDesignTechniques I.Inde...
Analog-Digital Integration Translator Analog-Digital Language of Vision Analog-Digital System Analog-Digital-Input-Output Analog-to-Analog Analog-to-digital Analog-to-digital Analog-to-digital Analog-to-digital Analog-to-digital conversion Analog-to-digital conversion ...