A baseband signal can be transmitted over a pair of wires (like in a telephone), coaxial cables, or optical fibers. But a baseband signal cannot be transmitted over a radio link or a satellite because this would require a large antenna to radiate the low-frequency spectrum of the signal. ...
What are the winning advantages of Internet access via cable modems and the CATV network over the prevailing telephone modem connection? First, the cable modem operates in a burst mode; this means that, while it remains physically connected to the cable plant, it only uses network ...
The world's smallest Analog Telephone Adapter! SmartNode™ M-ATA (Micro-Analog Telephone Adapter) is a tiny VoIP Gateway for residential/telecommuter use that quickly and easily converts POTS phone or fax to VoIP with call waiting, call conference, ca
What are the winning advantages of Internet access via cable modems and the CATV network over the prevailing telephone modem connection? First, the cable modem operates in a burst mode; this means that, while it remains physically connected to the cable plant, it only uses network resources ...