最初仅限于Analog Discovery Pro ADP3000 (或通过超频Digital Discovery),Analog Discovery 3 可以将其系统时钟频率从默认值 100 MHz 调整至低至 50 MHz 和高至 125 MHz,从而允许 以更快的速率进行采样(当然同时使用更高频率的时钟),而 Analog Discovery 2 则永远停留在 100 MHz。您可能会问,为什么不直接将系...
这可能是人们在比较这两种产品时遇到的最紧迫的问题之一:“我能否将我的执行项目从 Analog Discovery 2 迁移到 Analog Discovery 3,而不会出现任何问题”。 作为编写 Analog Discovery 3 参考手册并策划相关规格文文件的主要工程师,我想说 98% 到 99% 的项目可以毫无问题地从 Analog Discovery 2 迁移到 Analog D...
Analog Discovery 3 14-bit 125 MS/s USB Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Logic Analyzer, Pattern Generator, and Variable Power Supply Software WaveForms Resource Center WaveForms SDK Resource Center Oscilloscope Channels 2 Resolution 14-bit Sample Rate Up to 125 MS/s Bandwidth 9 MHz ...
1 Year subscription to Multisim Live and 30-day Trial of EveryMeasure with 5GB and 5 Users (requires Analog Discovery 3 registration) 30-pin flywire labels 5-pack of 6-pin male headers Analog Discovery 3 One 2x15 flywire signal cable assembly ...
Analog Discovery和ElectronicsExplorer硬件设计平台让学生能够在任何地点使用传统实验室的功能。对我而言,这种多功能性激发了学生对模拟电路的兴趣,同时鼓励他们进行创新,在瞬间激发电路开发灵感。掌握这些强大的资源之后,学生能够进行探索研究,以满足他们的极大好奇心,同时补充在课堂上学习的知识。 在线课程教材就是该计划最...
Analog Discovery (Legacy) Note The Analog Discovery has been replaced by the Analog Discovery 2. The Digilent Analog Discovery™, developed in conjunction with Analog Devices Inc., is a multi-function instrument that can measure, record and gener
The analog and digital inputs and outputs can be connected to a circuit using simple wire probes; alternatively, the Analog Discovery BNC Adapter and BNC probes can be used to connect and utilize the inputs and outputs. Driven by the free WaveForms software, the Analog Discovery 2 can be ...
What do you see in the Device Manager (if you are using Windows) when you plug in your Analog Discovery 2 or does it appear at all? I presume when you bring up the WaveForms software and plug in your AD2, the software does not detect anything or does it report the AD2 as an unknow...
Analog Discovery 2 Reference Manual The Analog Discovery 2 is retired and no longer for sale in our store. We recommend migrating to the Analog Discovery 3 The Digilent Analog Discovery 2™, developed in conjunction with Analog Devices®, is a m
Software WaveForms WaveForms Pinout Note The Analog Discovery has been replaced by the Analog Discovery 2. The Digilent Analog Discovery™, developed in conjunction with Analog Devices Inc., is a multi-function instrument that can measure, record and generate analog and digital signals. The sm...