ADI开发改变生活、工作和互动方式的创新解决方案,增强人类的感官体验。 探索应用领域 消费电子技术解决方案 听戴式和可穿戴式解决方案 家庭影院和游戏解决方案 个人电子设备解决方案 智能家居 统一通信 (UC) 和 ProAV 听戴式和可穿戴式解决方案 听戴式和可穿戴式解决方案 ...
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Analog Devices(NASDAQ:ADI)是全球領先的高性能類比技術公司,致力於解決艱鉅的工程設計挑戰。憑藉傑出的檢測、測量、電源、連接和解譯技術,搭建連接現實世界和數位世界的智慧化橋樑,從而幫助客戶重新認識周圍的世界。詳情請瀏覽ADI官網
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Analog Devices, Inc. wireless battery management system (wBMS) is a purpose-built solution, tailored for high reliability and the low latency requirements of automotive battery management systems. The wBMS network provides robust connectivity for the supervision of battery cells and control of the bala...
Analog Devices is committed to delivering products that meet the highest quality standards. To satisfy our customers' evolving needs, we incorporate quality and reliability checks in product and process design as well as in the manufacturing process. We embrace a “Zero Defects” policy for our shi...
Analog Devices is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of analog, mixed signal, and DSP integrated circuits to help solve the toughest engineering challenges.
Analog Devices is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of analog, mixed signal, and DSP integrated circuits to help solve the toughest engineering challenges.
We are pleased to inform you that as of April 12, 2024, Analog Devices, Inc. has sold its cable amplifier business to Scientific Components Corporation (d/b/a Mini-Circuits) (“Mini-Circuits”). To purchase any of the following products, or for further inquiries about such products, please...