Analisis Teknikal dan Fundamental Saham: Aplikasi Model Data Panel (Stock Technical and Fundamental Analysis: Panel Data Model Application)doi:10.2139/ssrn.3670598Technical and fundamental analysisJakarta Islamic Indexpanel dataMalay abstract: INSERT MALAY ABSTRACT HEREEnglish abstract: The analysis of stock...
Analisis Teknikal dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kecekapan Pasaran Saham di Malaysiadoi:10.17576/pengurusan-2016-48-01The main objective of this study is to re-examine the efficiency of Malaysia stock market by applying technical analysis trading strategies. The market eff...
ANALISIS PENGARUH VARIABEL-VARIABEL FUNDAMENTAL DAN TEKNIKAL TERHADAP HARGA SAHAMResearch objective is to analyze effects of fundamental variables on the share-price of the go public textile companies at the BEJ. Survey was conducted in the 25 unit of textile companies at the BEJ. Research ...