ANALISIS PERILAKU KONSUMEN TERHADAP NIAT MENGGUNAKAN TRANSPORTASI PUBLIK PT. TRANSPORTASI JAKARTAdoi:10.58344/locus.v2i9.1661The government is always making improvements to public transportation services to attract people's interest in switching to public transportation, but in reality not ...
Pengaruh Faktor Budaya, Sosial, Pribadi Dan Psikologi Terhadap Perilaku Konsumen (Studi Pada Pembelian Rumah di Perumahan Griya Utama Banjardowo Semarang) One of the basic human needs is a matter of housing. The function of ahouse has also changed, from the original just as a refuge. Now ...
Anoraga Ardianti, N.T, 2008, "Analisis perilaku konsumen kota bogor terhadap produk kosmetik hijau " MB-IPB-Bogor.Ardianti, T. Nadya. 2008. Analisis Perilaku Konsumen Kota Bogor terhadap Produk Kosmetika Hijau, Tesis Program Pascasarjana Manajemen dan Bisnis IPB (tidak dipublikasikan).Nadya,...
(2004). "Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang menimbulkan kecenderungan Minat Beli Konsumen Sarung : Study Perilaku Konsumen Sarung di Jawa Timur". Jurnal Manajemen & Kewirausahaan Vol 6, No. 1, Maret 2004. Surabaya: Jurusan Ekonomi Manajeman, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Kristen Petra, 2004....
Analisis perilaku konsumen madu dan implikasinya terhadap pengembangan produk madu di BogorThe Analysis of Bogor Consumer Behavior Towards Honey and Its Implication on Product Attributes Improvement The aim of this research were to : (1) analyze the consumer's characteristic based on psychography ...
Follower Amuent and Loners. The result suggested that to increase the sales were providing education on the importance of bone health and setting the price optimally, improving the distribution channel and communicating intensively the product benefits.Susanti...
Pengembangan Model Pendekatan Atribut Sebagai Alat Analisis Perilaku Konsumen Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan PembelianThis study aims to develop a model approach as an analytical tool attributes consumers in making purchasing decisions. This study was developed from the model attribute approach developed by ...
ANALISIS PENGARUH PERILAKU KONSUMEN DALAM PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN Studi Pembelian Rumah Sangat Sederhana Tipe 36 MeAlalui KPR BTN di Kota Administrasi JemberThis research aimed (1) at examining whether or not there was significant influence of the variables, such as marketing mix, reference group, ...
ANALISIS KARAKTERISTIK SOSIAL DAN PERANPERILAKU KONSUMEN TERHADAP KELANCARANPEMBAYARAN KREDIT Dl PT. FIF CABANG BOGORThis research was intended to analyze the socio-demographical characteristics (such as age, gender, marital status, education, etc) of the customers that influence the credit payment;...
Studi Tentang Analisis Ketergantungan Antara Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Konsumen Dalam Pembelian Kecap Manis Cap Jeruk Pecel Tulen Di SurabayaHumansLeukemiaAcute DiseaseTransplantation ConditioningRisk AssessmentHematopoietic Stem Cel...