It is based on the financial feasibility analysis obtained by the value of the Net Present Value (NPV) obtained greater than zero, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is greater than the prevailing lending rate, the Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C ratio) isgreater than one, and the ...
Analisis Perbandingan Usahatani Cabai Rawit Dan Tomat Dengan Pendekatan Resiko Investasi at Tolite Jaya village Tolinggula district Gorontalo Utara regency the advisors Amir Halid Dan Amelia Murtisari.The objective research is to know which business farmer is more benefit and have more risk invest ...
The consumer them selves tend to be more critical, and eagerly compare between the brand benefit they have perceived to their cost. Therefore, this paper would discuss about the customer perception towards A Mild brand in Yogyakarta area as Indonesia. one of the trendsetter city of youth people...
Therefore Turbine Cooling must be in good condition when the aircraft is used and the need for good maintenance to prevent damage to the air cycle machine itself.Keywords: Temperature, Safety, Air Cycle Machine, Cooling Turbine, MaintenanceSuhu adalah hal yang paling mudah dirasakan penumpang pada...