MRIAnal canalAnal cancerAnal squamous cell carcinomaStagingAnal canal cancer is a rare disease and squamous cell carcinoma is the most common histologic subtype. Traditionally, anal cancer is imaged with CT and PET/CT for purposes of TNM staging. With the increased popularity of MRI for rectal ...
MRI is also particularly helpful in the assessment of complications after treatment, and in the diagnosis for relapse of the diseases. 展开 关键词: Anus Anal cancer Diagnosis Staging Magnetic resonance imaging DOI: 10.3348/kjr.2017.18.6.946 年份: 2017 ...
Cancer of the Anal Canal: diagnosis, staging and follow-up with MRI. Korean J Radiol. 2017;18(6):946–56. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Wells IT, Fox BM. PET/CT in anal cancer - is it worth doing? Clin Radiol. 2012;67(6):535–40. Article CAS PubMed Google ...
Gourtsoyianni S, Goh V. MRI of anal cancer: assessing response to definitive chemoradiotherapy. Abdom Imaging. 2014;39(1):2–17. ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Otto SD, Lee L, Buhr HJ, Frericks B, Höcht S, Kroesen AJ. Staging anal cancer: prospective comparison of transanal endoscopic ultrasou...
BACKGROUND: Anal cancer is a rare tumour accounting for 2% of all colorectal cancers between 1997 and 2000 in the UK. Staging is still dominated by DRE (digital rectal examination), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging. The role of PET as a definitive modalit...
Alternatively, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT abdomen and pelvis can be performed for staging the disease [9], [12]. Due to rarity of the disease, there are no standard guidelines for the treatment of anal GIST. Among the previously published reports, wide local excision was performed ...
Anal canceris an uncommon malignancy that starts in theanus-- the opening at the end of the rectum. The American Cancer Society estimated that 10,540 cases of anal cancer will be diagnosed in 2024 and about 2,190 deaths may occur that year from anal cancer. ...
Rectal cancer management has evolved over the past decades. Major improvements in locoregional recurrence rates and survival were made by the introduction of total mesorectal excision (TME). The use of preoperative (chemo)radiation and the possibility of more accurate staging with MRI scanning resulted...
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Endoanal MRI [6] has shown clear accuracy in the delineation of external sphincter defects suitable for surgical treatment and in the definition of internal anal sphincter damage potentially suitable for bioim- plant deployment. As stated elsewhere [7], other ...
2). Orthogonal radiographs or MRI (Fig. 3) were used for planning. The CTV was defined by physical examination, initial endoscopy, and tumor extent on imaging. Only one patient (1%) received ISBT as a single modality, and 6 fractions of 7 Gy were prescribed. Fig. 1 Implantation ...