在线看anakin skywalker & padme vine | starwars 49秒。2021 1月 5的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 262 — 已浏览。 8 — 已评价。
The Skywalker Saga The Phantom Menace In this film, Anakin Skywalker who meets Qui-Gon Jinn, Padme Amidala, and Jar Jar Binks who wander into his master, Watto. He offers to help them with their ship parts by entering his own podracer in the competition. During their time on Tatooine,...
Anakin Skywalker had the potential to become one of the most powerful Jedi™ ever. Some even believed he was the prophesied Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force. Always pushing the limits of his Jedi training, seeking to excel and live up to his ...
Anakin Skywalker || "I Will Not Bow" [BOMGV] added bypeteandco from youtube: caerdream video vader darth fanvideo darth vader hayden 阿纳金·天行者 wars 星, 星级 Anakin Skywalker added bypeteandco anakin + padme ;; it would destroy us [VIML] ...
Anakin Skywalker appears as a nine-year-old slave. He is raised on the planet Tatooine by his mother, Shmi Skywalker, who says Anakin had no father, implying miraculous birth. He is a gifted pilot and engineer, and has the ability to "see things before they happen". He even creates ...
Anakin Skywalker is the gift that keeps on giving. Following a lukewarm initial reception in the Star Wars prequels, the character has seen a ...
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Anakin Skywalker’s journey in the galaxy made him my favorite character while watching the saga. Watching the prequel trilogy before the original trilogy, especially in episode one, had me rooting for Anakin. He was very kind and compassionate towards Qui-Gon Jinn and Padme Amidala who were ...
Who is Ahsoka Tano? Anakin Skywalker's apprentice Ahsoka Tano is a Togruta female, incredibly gifted in the ways of the Force. Like her master, Ahsoka was ...
1. 天行者阿纳金 比如为什么天行者阿纳金(Anakin Skywalker)(Hayden Christensen饰)会成为黑衣爵士达斯·维达 (Lord Darth Vader),奥比旺…|基于350个网页 2. 阿纳金·天行者 星球大战:克隆战争/... ... 复制人骑兵( The Clone Troopers)阿纳金·天行者(Anakin Skywalker) 欧比旺·克诺比( Obi-...