Anakin Skywalker is a one of the major protagonists in the Star Wars universe as one of the three main protagonists of the Skywalker Saga in the franchise, being the protagonist of the prequel series. At the age of nine, Anakin became a Jedi Padawan and
Anakin Skywalker is the central antagonist of the Star Wars original trilogy and the protagonist of the prequel trilogy. He is a legendary Force-user who served as a Jedi Knight, until he fell to the dark side and became the Sith Lord known as Darth Vade
Rey heard Anakin's voice inStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalkerwhen she connected to the spirits of past Jedi, making it logical for Anakin to appear inRey's New Jedi OrderStar Warsmovie. This was a missed opportunity in theStar Warssequel trilogy, especially when Kylo Ren committed atrocities ...
While the first two prequels were heavily laced with political themes, the third installment had some truly dark moments as Anakin Skywalker fell to the dark side. As a result, Lucas felt that the film wasn’t appropriate for children and did not mind the PG-13 rating. However, the ...