Anakin Skywalker is a one of the major protagonists in the Star Wars universe as one of the three main protagonists of the Skywalker Saga in the franchise, being the protagonist of the prequel series. At the age of nine, Anakin became a Jedi Padawan and
With that, the two are able to chase down the assassin, but fail to learn her identity when she is shot by her own employer with a toxic dart that poisons and kills her in seconds. Being assigned to protect Padme, Anakin travels with her to Naboo, where they fall in love. In the ...
Anakin Skywalker used Force choke several times before becoming a Sith at the end of theStar Warsprequel trilogy. AsDarth Vader, Force choke was his preferred use of the dark side, wielding the power effortlessly as he tortured and killed his enemies and even executed his subordinates if he f...