Anakin Skywalker 阿纳金·天行者 Homeworld:Tatooine 母星:塔图因 Species:Human 种族:人类 Gender:Male...
【星战/前线2】师徒相声 欧比旺&安纳金视点 Obi-Wan Kenobi&Anakin Skywalker 新手 337播放 【星战/前线2】达斯·维达黑武士视点Darth Wader 新手 216播放 【星战/前线2】死亡士兵视点Death Trooper 新人初上手 534播放 【MAD/机动战士Z高达】水星之声 《机动战士Z高达剧场版》纪念向配乐剪辑 深红-島谷ひとみ 19...
Anakin Skywalker is a one of the major protagonists in the Star Wars universe as one of the three main protagonists of the Skywalker Saga in the franchise, being the protagonist of the prequel series. At the age of nine, Anakin became a Jedi Padawan and
After killing Obi-Wan aboard the Death Star and the Battle of Yavin, he discovers the existence of his son, Luke Skywalker, and becomes determined to turn him to the dark side. But Anakin eventually redeems himself to save his son from his Sith master, fulfilling the prophecy as the Chos...
Later on, Anakin protects a terminally ill Mara Jade Skywalker on Dantooine. Soon after this, refugees from Dubrillion, who Lando Calrissian had evacuated, arrive on the planet as well. Unfortunately, the Yuuzhan Vong follow them and engage them in battle. Anakin and Jacen kill legions of ...
Moreover,Luke Skywalker did nearly defeat Darth Vader in battle. In fact, Luke had knocked Vader down during their battle inReturn of the Jediand could have dealt a death blow had he not taken a step back from the dark path this would have led to. Again, this was not Anakin/Darth Va...
s childbirth death so he joins the dark side and pledges himself to ChancellorPalpatine’s teachings. At this part of the film, I did not know what to think. I continuously thought back on Anakin Skywalker as a young boy and wondering how this anger escalated so quickly. Throughout the ...
(转载外网 comi..一,天赋阿纳金的天赋是三姐弟中最为强大的Born six years after the death of his grandfather Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Solo
Who is Ahsoka Tano? Anakin Skywalker's apprentice Ahsoka Tano is a Togruta female, incredibly gifted in the ways of the Force. Like her master, Ahsoka was ...
Anakin Skywalker (redesigned)Nute Gunray (redesigned)Obi-Wan Kenobi (redesigned)Security Battle DroidR2-D2DLC-13 Mining droid + Pieces 300 + Price x12px $79.99 + Released January 1, 2012 + ShopDescription 'Fly the Jedi Interceptor™ and confront … res over 7” (19cm) long and 6” (...