Given that Anakin was old enough to remember his mother before being taken by the Jedi, his emotions regarding her proved to be quite volatile and unpredictable. After having recurring nightmares about her death, Anakin traveled to Tatooine to find her, only to arrive too late, holding her in...
Anakin hilariously had an issue holding onto his lightsabers—and that evidently didn't stop once he'd turned to the dark side. For that reason, Anakin had and used several different lightsabers in the franchise. Here's every lightsaber Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader...
Anakin has a vision of his mother in pain, and goes to Tatooine, where he learns that Shmi had been kidnapped by Tusken Raiders weeks ago. He goes to the Tusken camp, where he discovers his mother has been tortured beyond saving by the tribe; she dies in his arms. Heartbroken, Anakin...
Anakin's fear of losing his loved ones eventually led him to fall to the dark side. His fear and later fury over losing his mother, Shmi Skywalker, resulted in him massacring the whole tribe of Sand People who kidnapped and tortured her, including the women and children. In order to pre...